well it here xmas

oldish hippy

Full Member
lots of cra* on tv and cant concentrate that well bored but still here been up since about 3 had 3hours sleep but dont feel tired not many post today on the forums i use so cant give them stick did one year and got banned but he ho thats life if they cant take it in the sense it was meant then so be it
happy xmas slightly older hippy from another old hippy,at least it ain't freezing
that's the spirit mate,managed to survive the sixties,just got to survive these sixties
that's the spirit mate,managed to survive the sixties,just got to survive these sixties

Yes, we did, so better go for it now while we still can! Oldish Hippy, we're thinking of you, and wish things could get better. At least we are past the solstice and the days are getting longer, so that's one good thing.

You are so right about the C**P on the box, I think they must believe we are all too busy with our WIIs learning to dance or have races. I wish they wouldn't portray Christmas as a time when you can only enjoy it if you have loads of people around, eating and drinking like no tomorrow, and playing wonderful games together, bought at vast expense!! We feel almost guilty because we have spent it on our own, no games, no turkey, no presents (opened the few there were yesterday!) sleep and eat when we feel like it - but in fact we are really enjoying ourselves!!

KP x x x x x
Hang on in there Hippy! It wont be long till the silly season is over! You will find plenty of friends on here, I for one look forward to your posts and you will have to work quite hard to get banned!!! LOL.

I hate Christmas but I have to admit we have had a great day so far. Cleared off to the lakes for Christmas and New Year in the van with the wife. Its pi$$ed down since we got here two days ago but still managed to get out on the bike, do some walking and even went to church this morning (is it just me who awlays feels like they are going to get struck down by lightening every time you enter a church?)

On a CL with one Tugger who is a really nice chap. I wet myself laughing when we were introduced today. He was off up the hill to fetch water when his Aqua Roll thingy decided to make a break for it and rolled down the hill, full of water closely followed by his owner who ended up arse over tit in the mud! His only pain was the fact that I happened to be stood outside having a fag watching at the time.

All the best Oldish Hippy and all!

just me whingeing on take not notice just bored and not being able to get out and about as much as i like
just me whingeing on take not notice just bored and not being able to get out and about as much as i like

Have a good old whinge, Oldish Hippy - we're here to listen!! Just wish we could do more to help you, feel so helpless hearing what you are going through and not being able to make it any better. Christmas is not the best time for feeling down, as it seems almost compulsory to have a good time. At least it's over now, and we can get on with normal life again!

KP x x x x x x x x x x x
just needed to express how i feeling do come back andd read my post it helps but thats the way i am it is nice to know that people care but they shouldnt and dont reply we do just needed a vent it help and help when i reread the post it helps me judge how i doing on that day will get through it of course and look back and feel stupid at posting when iknow there are peeps far worse than me jules back problem sound far worse than mine and probaly is and he not whingin on and quite a few on here are far worse off than me from what igather reading between the post so what i=do have to complain about
just needed to express how i feeling do come back andd read my post it helps but thats the way i am it is nice to know that people care but they shouldnt and dont reply we do just needed a vent it help and help......... so what i=do have to complain about

A lot, by the look of it! Doubt if I would cope with hardly any sleep and constant pain. Lets hope the cold weather goes soon, and we have a really early spring, so we can get out and about a bit. Planning any thing special next year? We are going to try to get to the New Forest Meet in August, as it's not so far as most places are from Cornwall. And maybe the American Motorhome Show at Great Malvern Showground later on that month. I'm also stewarding a rally at a proper campsite June/July. In between we hope to get up to Wales, but hospital and doctors appointments have a nasty habit of upsetting things, so any plans are fairly fluid.

KP x x x x xx x
new forest august sounds nice hope to get back to cornwall next year see how iget on with the camper igot at moment think imight have to get something a lttle bigger but the one i got but i can afford to run and insure need some mods doing on it to make it easier for me to use nothing major just a case of some warm wearher and sit down with a screw driver and tape measure and piece of paper and pencil work out what fit where
They promise an ever burning camp fire in the New Forest, so even if the weather is crap we should get some warmth! We got so pissed of with it never being really warm enough to sit out for long this year, except for the legendary Fardon Gather weekend. I don't know how Cooljules managed to arrange it, but I wish he could arrange the weather for next summer!!

Hope you are down in Cornwall when we are still in the county so we can met up!

KP x x x x x

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