Hang on in there Hippy! It wont be long till the silly season is over! You will find plenty of friends on here, I for one look forward to your posts and you will have to work quite hard to get banned!!! LOL.
I hate Christmas but I have to admit we have had a great day so far. Cleared off to the lakes for Christmas and New Year in the van with the wife. Its pi$$ed down since we got here two days ago but still managed to get out on the bike, do some walking and even went to church this morning (is it just me who awlays feels like they are going to get struck down by lightening every time you enter a church?)
On a CL with one Tugger who is a really nice chap. I wet myself laughing when we were introduced today. He was off up the hill to fetch water when his Aqua Roll thingy decided to make a break for it and rolled down the hill, full of water closely followed by his owner who ended up arse over tit in the mud! His only pain was the fact that I happened to be stood outside having a fag watching at the time.
All the best Oldish Hippy and all!