

Free Member
I hope everyone is safe and tucked up warm in this horrible wind. I've just seen the photos of the woman who died in Ireland's caravan after it fell off the cliff, it's so awful and sad :(
I hope you (and your awnings/roof vents etc.) are all ok and no one has anything blown into the van, that would be very scary in the middle of the night. I feel very lucky to be doing a couple of weeks house sitting!
The Very high winds came through yesterday & last night, a Few Trees Down, Debrie all over the place, a few Bins floating about & I found one of Thease very cheap plug in car dash Solar Panels in a Hedge !,,, Terrestrial Heavey Rain ALL day today Whitch is fantastic to Filter & top my Fresh water tanks up so very Welcome, But it’s just sitting in big puddles in Roads & Tracks So can see some issues arising from that But all Nice, Safe, Dry, Cosy & Warm for me aboard The Nest At 24°C. So I’m about to get the Multi Meter out to Test the Panel, it would be Absolutely ideal as a Charger for my Portable Power Pack if it works.
Stay safe & Enjoy Everyone
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Down south, much higher winds tonight and forecast high winds tomorrow afternoon.

Keep looking at the weather forecasts !
Hmmm,,Lucky I’ve got my Wheel scaffolding Boards for Soft Ground !, Because Although I’m in good Gravel here, I have to get OFF & back out on the Track at some point & The Puddles ain’t draining Are Getting Higher & Closer with more of the wet stuff falling & forecast still to come. I wondered why there was an orderly line of Assorted animals waiting at the Hab door to The Nest !

Oh well, I’ve got Cider, Custerd Creams & Plenty if Fuel for the fire !,,,

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Good to see/hear your ok Paul a few members been getting concerned not heard from you and the best
Hope all ok
Good to see/hear your ok Paul a few members been getting concerned not heard from you and the best
Hope all ok

Repeating is a age thing,anyway lots of trees down wed with doe men out with saws and mulshers,tomorrow there is a second storm coming over so tie everything down bring the cat in and bolt the doors:scared:
Down south, much higher winds tonight and forecast high winds tomorrow afternoon.

Keep looking at the weather forecasts !

Yeah The Nest weatherd the Blow nicely, But hope the worst has past because in an effort to get out the way I’ve got a Lovely little spot with Rising water levels &


On 3 sides, Can’t think why I’ve got it all to myself lol lol lol
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Repeating is a age thing,anyway lots of trees down wed with doe men out with saws and mulshers,tomorrow there is a second storm coming over so tie everything down bring the cat in and bolt the doors:scared:

Whose duplicated your getting muddled trev me olde matey 😀😀😀😀😀
Phew, well hopefully it's all over for now. That was quite some weather, I'm glad to hear everyone's ok. Hopefully all the vans escaped unscathed too.
I’m quite sad ours didn’t blow away !
Could’ve bought something decent instead :banana::lol-049:

There are a lot of trees down everywhere. I'm sure you could find a friendly farmer with a tractor who would drop one on it for you :raofl:
Last weekend we were sitting on the patio, sweltering in the heat. Now we’re huddled indoors listening to the rain & wind & thinking of lighting a fire.

My youngest is competing in the Weymouth Ironman in foul conditions, he’s completed the swim which was reduced to 1km cos of heavy seas, he’s now on the 56 mile cycle race & after that there’s a Half Marathon to look forward to. Sod that!!

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