

Whats the weather like out and about.We only had a slight covering, early evening time on sunday.All gone this morning.
Whats the weather like out and about.We only had a slight covering, early evening time on sunday.All gone this morning.

No snow up north just the wet stuff Gary, looks like the times they are a changing snow in the south and none up here, i am going to sell my sledge :cool:
Light dusting of snow in wellington shropshire last night , all now gone:):)

However the sky is full of it:(:(:(
Sunday...torrential rain + high winds + hail..
Monday....sunshine, warm, no wind and dog walk on the beach in a tee shirt.
Skye is always unique!
Sunday...torrential rain + high winds + hail..
Monday....sunshine, warm, no wind and dog walk on the beach in a tee shirt.
Skye is always unique!

What size T-shirt does your dog wear on the beach? I can't get one to fit my Jack Russell:D:D:D

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