WC Info (5) WC FaceBook


Full Member
Alternate comparable FB pages have 20k members plus.

WC Page "is a conduit to this Forum ... ?"

Questions remain unanswered, posts remain "unliked", doesn't come up on my feed because FB algorithms give it low priority. Personally, I don't think it's the greatest advert for the site, IMHO.

Other FB Motorhome pages are mega active & not always arguments, nor pictures of dogs / dinners !

I think we're missing an audience, true social media platform. Also much easier to use when out and about than Web Pages. Admin/Mod, yeh there's an overhead, but think of the audience/market. Its definitely there.

& for me they're starting to become more engaging / relevant.

For those that would rather poke rusty nails in their eyes than use FB, okey dokey, but plenty do and get useful posts / interactions.

Just an observation or three.
Alternate comparable FB pages have 20k members plus.

WC Page "is a conduit to this Forum ... ?"

Questions remain unanswered, posts remain "unliked", doesn't come up on my feed because FB algorithms give it low priority. Personally, I don't think it's the greatest advert for the site, IMHO.

Other FB Motorhome pages are mega active & not always arguments, nor pictures of dogs / dinners !

I think we're missing an audience, true social media platform. Also much easier to use when out and about than Web Pages. Admin/Mod, yeh there's an overhead, but think of the audience/market. Its definitely there.

& for me they're starting to become more engaging / relevant.

For those that would rather poke rusty nails in their eyes than use FB, okey dokey, but plenty do and get useful posts / interactions.

Just an observation or three.

The motorhome facebook groups may have 20,000+ members but there are far fewer active members. I have used some software to examine the posts/activity in these groups and in reality, they only have hundreds of active members not 10,000s. It is easy to click "join" on a facebook group, but many people never return.

We operate this model because it works, it builds a strong community and a great database of accessible data. The numbers are not of interest to me as they are just vanity. If I did not regularly delete inactive members we would have over 75000 registered members.

Our aim is not to be bigger, it is always to be better.
Alternate comparable FB pages have 20k members plus.

WC Page "is a conduit to this Forum ... ?"

Questions remain unanswered, posts remain "unliked", doesn't come up on my feed because FB algorithms give it low priority. Personally, I don't think it's the greatest advert for the site, IMHO.

Other FB Motorhome pages are mega active & not always arguments, nor pictures of dogs / dinners !

I think we're missing an audience, true social media platform. Also much easier to use when out and about than Web Pages. Admin/Mod, yeh there's an overhead, but think of the audience/market. Its definitely there.

& for me they're starting to become more engaging / relevant.

For those that would rather poke rusty nails in their eyes than use FB, okey dokey, but plenty do and get useful posts / interactions.

Just an observation or three.

Just let me pull the rusty nails out of my eyes so I can see my keyboard ! . I don't like and have no intentions of using looserbook , but for those who use it, is your choice :goodluck:
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Facebook is no different from this forum and is a huge source of information as is this forum. I took my blinkers off years ago and use any source of info.
Facebook is different from any forum.

I personally am not a fan of FB and much prefer a forum, you can easily find older posts and info in a forum. I do have an account on fb but only usually go on when Caz tells me I need to look at something one of the kids/grandkids has posted.

FB to me just seems a throw away medium and causes much trouble in life

The motorhome facebook groups may have 20,000+ members but there are far fewer active members. I have used some software to examine the posts/activity in these groups and in reality, they only have hundreds of active members not 10,000s. It is easy to click "join" on a facebook group, but many people never return.

We operate this model because it works, it builds a strong community and a great database of accessible data. The numbers are not of interest to me as they are just vanity. If I did not regularly delete inactive members we would have over 75000 registered members.

Our aim is not to be bigger, it is always to be better.

The techie posts
and the other info is better as it relies on members who are genuine WC ers
WC water closet

Sorry, it happens every time. I see WC, and have to do a double take. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Dadad
Different Tools

For different tasks !

I use FB (or Assbook) to keep in touch with friends and Family.
For that it is great.
If I wish to publish pictures and text of my MoHo trips
I have a website
I post links on FB WC and by sending emails with links to those who do not use WC or FB
I also publish trivial instant interest photos on FB

Horses for Courses

I guess many of us have
  • an electric screw driver
  • a battery drill/driver
  • a mains power drill

  • a TomTom/Garmin
  • a Tablet
  • a laptop
  • a Smartphone

Facebook is no different from this forum and is a huge source of information as is this forum. I took my blinkers off years ago and use any source of info.

Try getting Mark Zuckerberg to answer a question from one of the millions he is making billions from though.

The fact the owner of this site is accessible highlights the benefits of this forum.

I my opinion Mark only wants you there so he can suck up your information for selling on, whereas Phil has an genuine sense of community.
This site is for its members, Facebook is for its owner; enough reasons for me to keep clear of it.
Try getting Mark Zuckerberg to answer a question from one of the millions he is making billions from though.

The fact the owner of this site is accessible highlights the benefits of this forum.

I my opinion Mark only wants you there so he can suck up your information for selling on, whereas Phil has an genuine sense of community.
This site is for its members, Facebook is for its owner; enough reasons for me to keep clear of it.

Today I passed on and received very good information on FB and have also in the past supported charity requests. I used to participate a lot on this forum but stupidly got caught up in one of the pointless topics with , as shown above, snide remarks, which still goes on and now I only contribute where I can be of help.
Unfortunately getting drawn in on this topic which is going the usual endless way.
Obviously owners of forums need contributors else they would not exist, so, to use your word, Phil is sucking, the same as Mark.
Not going any further on this topic.
I find fb useful particularly for closed special interest groups. I cant see that using it does any harm, you dont have to put anything on there that can be used against you.
I am surprised that some people see the need to advertise the minutae of their daily lives in there, but am not forced to read such ramblings.
As has been said, different types of social media serve slightly different purposes well, but I don't understand the animosity of some to fb, or the fear that some have of it.

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