Water Shortage - Water heads praying for a wet Summer.


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I overheard a snippet in TV News today, something like the Heads of the Water Companies are hoping we get a wet Summer. I don't suppose they considered the Jubilee Celebrations or the Olympics, for which a wet Summer this year could be a disaster. Instead of just sitting around praying for rain why don't they get their over paid asses moving and start engineering works to evenly distribute water around the three Nations? It's talked about every time we get a drought but fizzles out when the rains come. It's doable they did it in the 1890s, piping water from the Elan Valley to Birmingham and similar projects sent water to other big cities. I think they should put HS2 on the back burner and get on with works to move water. The only obstacle now is the water companies are privatised, if it ain't profitable it won't get done and, in any case, they would probably want to charge each other for the water.
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There are something like 160,000 to 200,000 new houses built in the uk every year, when was the last major reservoir built. A quick look says it was the Kilder in 1975 but is probably wrong, it would be interesting to know the answer.
There are something like 160,000 to 200,000 new houses built in the uk every year, when was the last major reservoir built. A quick look says it was the Kilder in 1975 but is probably wrong, it would be interesting to know the answer.

Roadford in Devon was late 80s early 90s if I remember correctly.

Considering our birth rates are going down in this country, why do we keep building new houses? These people must be coming from somewhere........ mustn't they?:boat:
And..when they were filling Roadford they forgot to close off the other end....something about a leak?
At one stage youngest daughter worked for the leak department of SWWater and says she was told to grade them as important to minor......one definition of "important" was if it was outside a councilor's house

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