Wanted - Van For Full Timing


I have a tiny budget of £3000 and need a van for full timing in , as there is only myself and one small dog it dos'nt need to be huge. Ideally , something like a home conversion still maintaining a commercial vehcle look would be better. There were a couple of home converted (paticularly well done) Fiat Iveco on sale here in previous postings and something like that would be ideal. Already looking on Ebay and the other relevant sites and any help is very much appreciated. Thanks for reading my post:)
Hi there hope you get something soon, have you looked at local listings papers they pop up from time to time .

Hi Dunk
Thank you, do you mean classifieds in local papers etc? if so, yes I do look there,
BTW I have a commercial Ford Transit 350 with a separate fibreglass box, its an ex BT Open reach workshop if anyone is interested in a possible swap?:D
Can you not convert that one ?
& yes that is the papers I was thinking about, how about autotrader on line I found a few on there when we looked for ours.

I'm not quite a helpless female but no good with DIY ! and from a security point of view, I would need to be able to drive off without having to leave the vehicle, not possible with the Ford, I spent 15 months full timing with my ex in a German imported Karmann and know although anti social incidents are not that common , they do happen and being a lone female its an issue to be aware of, 2 females as my dog is a bitch! but thanks for the advice, its appreciated, :)
I have a tiny budget of £3000 and need a van for full timing in , as there is only myself and one small dog it dos'nt need to be huge. Ideally , something like a home conversion still maintaining a commercial vehcle look would be better. There were a couple of home converted (paticularly well done) Fiat Iveco on sale here in previous postings and something like that would be ideal. Already looking on Ebay and the other relevant sites and any help is very much appreciated. Thanks for reading my post:)

Hi and welcome
Thats a small budget for something thats already been converted, you might end up getting something that costs you a fortune in repairs.

Perhaps better looking for a half decent unconverted van at a bit less and spend some money making it habitable :)
Thanks for that, you are absolutely right about the budget, just been looking on completed listings on Ebay, its going to be old and scuffy , whatever I buy! so yes, I will need to keep re-considering my options and maybe compromise , which is ok. Thanks for the advice and the welcome, nice people you guys:)
my vw t4 is in the for sale section but it's a bit more than what you are looking at.
I have just scrolled through the ads, not sure which is yours? how much is it before I go off looking again?
hi we have been fulltime in our van for a year ,take a tip from me self builds are great but consider this you will need a shower toilet or at least somthing to get a good wash, a good bed no good sleeping on little more than a camp bed good heating and ample cooking is a must. on your budget a 12 foot coach built will be ideal somthing like ours a bedford cf or simmiler will suit you. it does us you will spend probably more converting a van and still it wont serve your needs properly .to full time with any degree of comfort you need a overcab or something with a fixed bed at least. last but not least you realy need a van that is easy to work on and reliable no good having to have the van in a garage for repaires for any lenghth of time when you live in it
Hi Vanmandan
I just spoke to the owner and yes what a great van, he is sending me more photos so thank you very much for taking the trouble to do that:)
Hi Mandrake
I could'nt agree more, I probably should have said that I have owned about 6 different campers from Hymers/ 2 karmanns/ Lmc/ all German imports which we imported ourselves and if the pound was'nt so close to the Euro I would probably do that again, although my circumstances now are very different to then hence the tiny tiny budget, your comments are particularly helpful as they confirm what I was thinking!! thsi forum really is full of great folk, I was feeling a tad nervous about full timing by myself but already feel better having found this website, thanks
"thsi forum really is full of great folk"......

Yeah , by & large ..... has its fair share of loonies also.
I'm full timing again after having a major stroke last August.
Just sold my Hymer S520 & got me an automatic S700 ....
loaded to the gills.
Off to the Highlands for a few weeks tomorrow.
Yeeeeee Haaaaa.
will post some photos of the new van when I find a scenic background.
nowhere in life are we free of "loonies" ! have a good trip and hope the sun stays happy
Good luck finding the right van...and I hope you have a great time fulltiming. I'm on the brink of that but need a place to return to regularly where I can get regular broadband access for work now, which is building information websites. It's taken 2 years but I'm getting close to an income that will support the open road lifestyle...yay! Solo female too with 2 dogs, so I know what you mean about security. Just bought a great medium-sized van from a forum member so raring to go. Maybe meet you on the road some time?:)
Hi Mandrake
I could'nt agree more, I probably should have said that I have owned about 6 different campers from Hymers/ 2 karmanns/ Lmc/ all German imports which we imported ourselves and if the pound was'nt so close to the Euro I would probably do that again, although my circumstances now are very different to then hence the tiny tiny budget, your comments are particularly helpful as they confirm what I was thinking!! thsi forum really is full of great folk, I was feeling a tad nervous about full timing by myself but already feel better having found this website, thanks
dident read your post fully myself first dident know you owned vans before , but as i was saying there are quite a few cheapo vans out there as a good base to start fulltiming in .ours only cost a couple of grand 4 years ago and i must say we have not spent more than a couple of hundred since .we have updated the interior over the years but i am lucky i can do all the work myself including mechanical side .as for being nervous we were at first but we had little option but to live in the van at the time ,in fact i was more than nervous to say the least but now we are in a position to rent a small flat if we want ,we look on that as a last resort funny or what it takes a little time to get used to but we are loving it even after last winter .hope i havent gone too much off thread for you ok god luck with the search for your van
Thank you and yes I would hope we might meet up, having now made the decision to go F/t again I can't wait, what van did you get?

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