Vodafone dongle


Full Member
Hi All
Hope this is allowed just seen one of these dondles for sale on the facts site dont know if it sold yet--I got one just like it and paid a lot more for mine!!.. If it is the same as mine which they say it is the 'credit last for 180 days not the 30 days that they are now!!--
Bye for now
Are you sure this is what it actually says?

The reason I ask is that on the Vodaphone dongle, usually the credit lasts for 30 days as you say. If after that period you do not put further credit on for 180 days they will terminate the number and allocate it for re-use. Are you sure this isn't what you read?
Are you sure this is what it actually says?

The reason I ask is that on the Vodaphone dongle, usually the credit lasts for 30 days as you say. If after that period you do not put further credit on for 180 days they will terminate the number and allocate it for re-use. Are you sure this isn't what you read?

Hi Caspar
I bought mine from ebay and it had a full £15.00 of credit the same as the one on facts I think if it has never been activated the credit is still valid --mine was.. I use mine on occasions well over the 30 day period and it is still working
Bye For Now
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We were looking a few of weeks ago and they do come up on ebay, apparently not limited to the 30 days, it is the pre 30 day dongle or deal that some guys still have available (if they are genuine)
From memory they were limited to 1 gb per month, (I could be wrong)
I wondered if they were a con, no idea but I did wonder. They were priced at that time at around £50 to £90 including a £15 credit.
In the end we got the Repeatit booster Ariel for wi fi!
There is a thread about it somewhere.

Hi *****
As far as I am aware the £15.00 credit is for 1gb and also as far I am aware there is no limit on how many times you top it up in a month. However I would say that if you do top it up a couple of times a month you could probably get a better deal on a monthly contract. The thing to look for on these 180 day dongles is the serial number on the side of the box mine has K3565--I think the 30day ones have an extra letter to the K3565--very confusing as they both have the same basic number!!. I paid £65.00 for mine (probably a bit to much) but you pay your money and take your choice!!. I have found mine very handy indeed for use in our (swear word comming up) static caravan we have had at Whitstable for the last 24 years. It's great to log on to the site when i'm having a gin and tonic;)
Bye for now

I presume your taking about my dongle on the other site :eek:
They are genuine non expiring models (discontinued). And as you say £15 gets you 1GB of download data. Really good as a spare or for you hols (UK). The £15 could last you all year if used sparingly. Still interested? Make me an offer. :p
Ian 07533645589
I presume your taking about my dongle on the other site :eek:
They are genuine non expiring models (discontinued). And as you say £15 gets you 1GB of download data. Really good as a spare or for you hols (UK). The £15 could last you all year if used sparingly. Still interested? Make me an offer. :p
Ian 07533645589

Hello Frogy
Yes it is the same as mine I have had mine about seven months and I have still got £11.50;) left on mine and I have used it quite a lot. The good thing about these is once you have loaded the cd that it comes with you can 'tab' on credit balance at any time and it gives you the balance remaining.
good luck and I hope you sell it soon
Bye for now
vodafone dongle---in France

will these dongles work in france, spain and portugal?
If not what can you use instead other than the wi-fi places like mc donalds etc?:confused:

The dongle will work abroad if unlocked, but the sim card won't. It's best to get a PAYG sim from the Country you are travelling to. How you do that is unknown to me, but i'm sure others will tell.:confused:

P.S. I can unlock most Huawei dongles and some Vodafone ones.:cool:
Be careful about the initial credit firms will offer with the package and the difference in top up credit restrictions.

For example Three mobile offer their dongle for £30 along with 3GB (£15) of credit which "lasts for 6 months from activation."

This is to get you to buy the dongle. When you come to buy top up, you will find that any PAYG top up time only lasts for 30 DAYS whether you use it or not.

This is never mentioned anywhere on the initial purchase blurb. It's totally deceitful and misleading of course, but then that's standard marketing tactics.

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