Not sure if this should just be in the Hampshire section or seen more widely as I guess it's fallout has larger implications. Also, apologies if its been covered previously and I haven't found it!
As I'm sure some will be aware overnighting in a motorhome became "legal" at West Beach car park, Hayling island last year for a fee of £10. As reported here...(amongst other info about blue badge holders) Hayling News : Seafront car park ‘becoming a cheap holiday destination’...after complaints of a reduction in takings by local campsite owners that fee is to be increased on 1st July to £20. As I understand it the fee only covers the period 2200-0800 so if you wanted to turn up at say 6pm you would have to pay £4 extra for the daytime parking and if you stayed until 11am the next next day that would be another £3 making a total of £27 for your stay. That makes it effectively one of the most expensive camp sites in county for what is essentially a stay in a car park.
This is such a shame; Hayling West beach is never going to make it onto your list of all time most beautiful spots but it was a useful place to be able to stay, especially for kite and windsurfers or swimmers and £10 seemed realistic. £20 (plus the extra) is just too expensive for most to justify. I think if the local sites that complained think that I'll be hot footing it to their sites instead they are sadly mistaken. If I was them I'd be taking a look at the sorry tail of poor reviews online for their sites and addressing those issues first. It is also a shame the council could not let the "aires" concept run longer and a decision like this is not going to encourage other councils to consider a similar scheme.
As I'm sure some will be aware overnighting in a motorhome became "legal" at West Beach car park, Hayling island last year for a fee of £10. As reported here...(amongst other info about blue badge holders) Hayling News : Seafront car park ‘becoming a cheap holiday destination’...after complaints of a reduction in takings by local campsite owners that fee is to be increased on 1st July to £20. As I understand it the fee only covers the period 2200-0800 so if you wanted to turn up at say 6pm you would have to pay £4 extra for the daytime parking and if you stayed until 11am the next next day that would be another £3 making a total of £27 for your stay. That makes it effectively one of the most expensive camp sites in county for what is essentially a stay in a car park.
This is such a shame; Hayling West beach is never going to make it onto your list of all time most beautiful spots but it was a useful place to be able to stay, especially for kite and windsurfers or swimmers and £10 seemed realistic. £20 (plus the extra) is just too expensive for most to justify. I think if the local sites that complained think that I'll be hot footing it to their sites instead they are sadly mistaken. If I was them I'd be taking a look at the sorry tail of poor reviews online for their sites and addressing those issues first. It is also a shame the council could not let the "aires" concept run longer and a decision like this is not going to encourage other councils to consider a similar scheme.