There is nothing magical about the Zero degree temperature figure despite what is often touted as fact.
The statement "Dont charge below zero" is an over simplified statement and in fact maximum 'safe' charge current for
Lifepo4 tapers off gradually as the temperature lowers and actually also at the
battery gets closer to full charge. Its complicated!
Charging at the kind of current you'll get from a van roof
solar array at this time of year wont be detrimental to Li batteries at say -5 deg unless you're very close to full charge.
What IS damaging to Lifpo4 is keeping them absolutely 100% fully charged so if your vans sitting idle AND you have
solar consider reducing the maximum cell voltage/capacity setting. A simpler way is to charge to around 50% and disconnect the
battery/batteries completely (providing you've not got an alarm etc powered from them obviously)
Even full timers should consider reducing the max cell voltage slightly to around 3.5v/cell (14V). Charge speed will be slightly slower and you'll lose a bit of capacity (not much, only a couple of %) but your batteries will appreciate it long term.