Van written off


Full Member
This numpty tried to drive through the ford, which is five minutes walk from us, despite the fact it is clearly very high. He managed to drive about 40' before the inevitable happened - engine died! Had he gone any further he would have been in about six foot of water. His 'marshall' came down to assess the situation and told me the driver is on probation and was in his third week of driving for Ocado, however, he doesn't think he will be driving for them after today.
When I got there the poor fella was crouched on the drivers seat, freezing cold as he had been there for three hours. The marshall said he would have to wade out of the van but the driver was clearly terrified at the thought, being a none swimmer. I offered to fetch a ladder but the marshall said he cannot allow it in case the driver falls and breaks his leg, I would get sued and the marshall would lose his job too. Bollox I said, the poor bloke is frozen stiff and I was fetching a ladder and if he [the marshall] tried to stop me from helping the guy I would push him in the friggin ford.
Anyway, managed to get the driver out with lots of bluster coming from the marshall, silly pompous prick.
Next came the recovery vehicle who couldn't get round the tight bend to drag the van backwards. Pulling it forward was out of the question as the van would start to float and likely damage the footbridge given the fast current of the River Weaver which forms the ford. Nobody was prepared to get into the water and attach the winch to the back axle and talk was of getting a diving team in. :lol-053::lol-053:
After much conflabbing, it was decided to smash both windows to the doors and feed straps through, take them over the roof and attach to a winch cable. Another hour or so waiting for a Landrover with a winch. Eventually the van started to be dragged out, unfortunately, it was tight up against the bank trees so the side got badly damaged. If it wasn't a right off from the beginning, it was now.

All the food inside will be destroyed, even the food well above the water level, due to company policy.

The other stupid rule the company have, is, the drivers have to follow the satnav and not a map. I asked if the satnavs could be set to avoid low bridges, narrow roads etc, he didn't know!

What makes the whole thing unnecessary, is the fact the driver was driving from Whichchurch to Nantwich on the A530, had he stayed on the A530 he would have arrived in Nantwich 4 miles down the road. Instead his satnav directed him down quiet country lanes and eventually to the ford, total distance 6 miles.

What a palaver!

IMG_20180315_105120.jpg IMG_20180315_105142.jpg
Surprised he got 40', that water is virtually up to the air intake stationary. Anyway, wheres this road please? I need to give it a go, not. ;)
My daughter 'phoned me the other night asking if I had a tow rope.

It turned out that her friend's boyfriend had got them stuck in a ford a couple of miles from here. He reckoned that as they were driving through, a surge of water came down the stream pushing them sideways, however, I know that that ford has been at least a couple of feet deep for a few days now.

They arranged recovery in the end through the girls policy. I certainly wasn't going to wade in there and try to attach a tow rope.

Eventually the car was recovered although full of muddy water. His main concern was what he was going to tell his gran who he had borrowed the car from!
Well done on good samaritan and bringing some common sense to bear Ral
Surprised he got 40', that water is virtually up to the air intake stationary. Anyway, wheres this road please? I need to give it a go, not. ;)

I guess the engine died and he carried on rolling forward? It is Woodcotthill Rd, Aston, Wrenbury and there is no mention of a deep ford which ain't exactly helpful. There has been a few vehicles caught out, most usually reverse back 500 yds, some nitwits chance there arm and get stuck.
One of the reasons why nobody wanted to go in the water is that there is a sewage treatment plant right next to the ford. Highly unlikely there will be any contamination as the river is very healthy but no way was I getting my head under water to attach the winch to the axle.
You may say that folk have no sense following a satnav but look how many followed hitler:scared:
If he had of engaged reverse and cranked the starter the van would have come back about 6ft or so and then got rope to axle.
I guess the engine died and he carried on rolling forward? It is Woodcotthill Rd, Aston, Wrenbury and there is no mention of a deep ford which ain't exactly helpful. There has been a few vehicles caught out, most usually reverse back 500 yds, some nitwits chance there arm and get stuck.

However it is signed as a no through road!

That should have stopped him.
Is there plenty of Use By / Best Before dates on the items you requisitioned :confused:

They were talking about leaving it there until the water subsided, I did offer to store the produce in our fridge freezer. I think the withering look meant 'no'.
i know it was not meant to be funny - but those first few piccies do make me laugh...... :lol-061:
my Ford Consul - you can tell how many years ago that was!! died in the middle of a ford in N Yorks. I put it in gear and wound it out on starter. Out with the WD40 and I was away!
Well as they say every little helps silly Tesco driver

(Only joking course I know it's Ocado):rolleyes2:
Sounds like both company policy and driver to blame, but mainly the driver as no matter what the policy he should not have entered the water.

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