Using a Kindle as a web browser


Yesterday, I took my wife to a meeting in the MH so we could enjoy lunch on the way and tea on the way home. Pure luxury!!

However I discovered that I'd left my laptop at home, stupid me!

I needed to go on ebay, what could I do?

Fortunately her Kindle was in the MH, for those that have a kindle, there is an Experimental browser built in.

I wifi connected to my 3G router on T Mobile and hey ho, I was connected to the world.

I won't say it's the best browser, but it loaded up the pages and with lots of manipulation of the cursor, managed to input my information. Kindle saved the day!!

I'm not saying that the Kindle will do away with a PC, but it's an option.

Today I tried it out again, I'm in Lancs in an urban area and got it connected to someones BT FON.
It's a bit of a bonus isn't it? I got caught out without my phone once last year and was able to get a message to my husband via Facebook on my Kindle :) It sort of made me wish I'd got the 3G version but it's getting easier all the time to find a wireless connection these days.
From January to March this year we were backpacking round south-east Asia and used our 3G Kindle similarly with no problem. Most of the hotels we stayed at had free internet anyway but some didn't and while we were travelling it was a great boon. As you say, not the easiest thing in the world to use but convenient and FREE! I wonder how long they will continue to allow free, unlimited 3G access to the web before either limiting the use to their own website or putting a monthly charge on the facility. In the meantime.........:have fun:
From January to March this year we were backpacking round south-east Asia and used our 3G Kindle similarly with no problem. Most of the hotels we stayed at had free internet anyway but some didn't and while we were travelling it was a great boon. As you say, not the easiest thing in the world to use but convenient and FREE! I wonder how long they will continue to allow free, unlimited 3G access to the web before either limiting the use to their own website or putting a monthly charge on the facility. In the meantime.........:have fun:

We don't have the 3G version, but as I've got a router that takes a sim card (currently T Mobile/Orange) I have my own Access Point in the van. It's got a higher gain antenna than some and that's the next thing I'm improving. I'm so happy with it, I'm wondering about my landline broadband??

If I just connect a Fonera to it, I'll get all the benefits of FON and 3G

Pondering on this one!
A couple of weeks ago I managed to get a 3g signal intermittantly on the top of a Spanish mountain miles from anywhere. I managed to logon to this site, & was going to post, but lost the signal just as I had managed to type it - needless to say didn't try to do it again.
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Call me an old cynic, but when they get enough feedback indicating that users of 3G are happy with this feature and it's also relatively glitch free, then they will charge.
They'd probably get a fair few complaints if customers had to pay for the 3G web browsing service as it stands at the moment, they probably don't want the aggro.
The T&C states that they reserve the right to charge for any service received outside of their SERVICE ie book&mag downloads. Curiously it specifically applies this to overseas use and not to UK, seems a bit ambiguous to me.
Of course with many eBook prices being what they are, offering free 3G might remain a good loss leader so long as it brings the punters in.
When I was up at Ambleside a few weeks ago, I could not get 3g with my Vod dongle, I could only get the slow one.
It was a case of press the send button or open a web page and go and make a cup of tea while waiting.
So slow!:cry:
in fact, you could also make cheese on toast lol

Not wishing to put words in your mouth but what I think you're suggesting *****, is that the 3G companies should collaborate and allow you to use an optional faster alternative provider when your connection speed drops below a certain level (with a reasonable extra charge of course)

I use mine for emergencies too ... dont think they will start charging ... its an option that Amazon uses for you to download their content s in their best interests to maintainit free (they pay a very small subscription price for the 3G access)
Sadly it seems some countries are now stopping this. I dont have one but there are a few users on FACTS that have now recently been refused a connection in France so perhaps its only a matter of time. Long thread here. Kindle Internet Access In France Forums

Just thought I'd check out as in Marseille - 3 g still working ok here. When I first put URL in it said I needed a WiFi connection, but then tried again & it worked without.
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