USA - rules for driving MoHo without UK C1


Full Member
Lost my C1 for medical reasons.

Anyone know what size MoHo I can hire in USA ?
You should be ok with this

The last RV we rented I enquired of rental company what licnce would be needed as it was fairly big, they replied "standard car licnce", as we both have C1 I was happy with that, on picking up, the licences where looked at and copied and nothing was said, 'half way' through rental I was idly checking out RV and noticed it weighed 8.5ton.
After getting back I saw that in US standard car licnce is 11.5ton (26,000lb), but in your position I would email rental and say what category licnce you have.
It's worth remembering that your UK licence is only valid for 90 days without a IDP which must be obtained here in the UK because the USA don't issue them and some states like Florida will argue that the IDP isn't a licence :( While we're on about states, remember each one has it's own laws so beware 🤔

It's worth remembering that your UK licence is only valid for 90 days without a IDP which must be obtained here in the UK because the USA don't issue them and some states like Florida will argue that the IDP isn't a licence :( While we're on about states, remember each one has it's own laws so beware 🤔

Don't think the IDP is a licence ?
If it has hydraulic brakes then you can drive on a car licence but if it has air brakes you need something else, or it was when I was looking for one over there and size didn't seem to matter as it could be up to a 40ft A class. But as said check each state.
It's not but the County Sheriffs in Florida won't even recongnise it as being a valid or legal document unlike places like France.

Not sure , if you have your licence , why you would produce it ?
Not sure , if you have your licence , why you would produce it ?
Because after 90 days your UK licence isn't valid? 🤔
My understanding is that the IDP along with your licence allows you to drive without taking a test in that country (it's different if you move there permantly) but not all countries buy into it and I was trying to point out that even though the USA are one of the countries that are listed as recongnising it it can change from state to state.

Because after 90 days your UK licence isn't valid? 🤔
My understanding is that the IDP along with your licence allows you to drive without taking a test in that country (it's different if you move there permantly) but not all countries buy into it and I was trying to point out that even though the USA are one of the countries that are listed as recongnising it it can change from state to state.

Not really sure the IDP has any legal status ?
I do know car rental companies in 3 US states didn't recognise it
We’ve never rented a motorhome there but have rented cars twice a year for over 30 years in many states and never had a problem with just a UK licence, no IDP.
What length of hire, also what would you typically pay, just getting idea of budget.
Still plotting trip for Sep 22, so getting details together.
Most recently was March 2020 when we hired this V6 beauty for just over £1000 for a month. We were enjoying the car but sadly had to head home after only 4 days because of covid becoming significant and foreign office advice. We got the next to last flight of San Diego! Having picked up the car we were not due a refund, but travel insurance paid out as we had followed the government advice. Taking a small car does not seem to reduce the hire rate greatly. We normally use Alamo, their German website sometimes gives better rates.

Curiouser and curiouser . Person I was with on a trip to USA didn't have her driving licence but did have IDP . She insisted on trying to use it when we were hiring cars . None of the rental staff even knew what it was .
I believe the IDP is of no use without a valid drivers licence from your country of residence.


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