Urgent Sat Nav advice needed!


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We are going to Sapain for 2 months a week on Wed. and I am thinking of getting a Sat Nav. I have been looking around and narrowed the search to 2.
The Garmin Nuvi 250 and the Tom Tom ONE Europe v3. These both include Pre-loaded European street level mapping which will be useful as we go off main roads most of the time.
They both have SD card slots which leads me to my next question! We use a lot of aires which are marked on our maps but I wondered if there is some way of loading the whole list off my computer, maybe onto a spare SD card,so that I could look for one in the area we are in at the time. Another thought I have had is, am I choosing the best gizmo??? Thanks in advance for your help as I have found before there are a lot of 'experts' out there who always help us thicky's!
We are going to Sapain for 2 months a week on Wed. and I am thinking of getting a Sat Nav. I have been looking around and narrowed the search to 2.
The Garmin Nuvi 250 and the Tom Tom ONE Europe v3. These both include Pre-loaded European street level mapping which will be useful as we go off main roads most of the time.
They both have SD card slots which leads me to my next question! We use a lot of aires which are marked on our maps but I wondered if there is some way of loading the whole list off my computer, maybe onto a spare SD card,so that I could look for one in the area we are in at the time. Another thought I have had is, am I choosing the best gizmo??? Thanks in advance for your help as I have found before there are a lot of 'experts' out there who always help us thicky's!
Hi Freestle,
I am sure that the Nuvi has its own hard drive and the card slot is to store other stuff on like extra POI's , i have a tomtom 500 classic, some of my mates have the Nuvi i prefer the tom tom so realy it a matter of pesonal choice.
They both have SD card slots which leads me to my next question! We use a lot of aires which are marked on our maps but I wondered if there is some way of loading the whole list off my computer, maybe onto a spare SD card,Derek:D
I am sure that you can load your aires from your computer but you would
have to convert them into POI's first (Positions Of Interest). you will find the information on how to do this in the Pocket GPS forums, or someone may already have a collection of aries that you can download.
Your other question SD card it depends on what size card you have, you only need a spare if you do not have much room on your original card and if that's the case you may as well just buy a larger capacity SD card and keep all your stuff on one SD card and then backup all your stuff from the SD card to your computer, i have recently bought a 2 Gig SD card as they have dropped in price but you must buy a one that is right for Sat Nav I cant remember what the specs are at the moment but it has got to be fast.
Hope this helps you.
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We are going to Sapain for 2 months a week on Wed. and I am thinking of getting a Sat Nav. I have been looking around and narrowed the search to 2.
The Garmin Nuvi 250 and the Tom Tom ONE Europe v3. These both include Pre-loaded European street level mapping which will be useful as we go off main roads most of the time.
They both have SD card slots which leads me to my next question! We use a lot of aires which are marked on our maps but I wondered if there is some way of loading the whole list off my computer, maybe onto a spare SD card,so that I could look for one in the area we are in at the time. Another thought I have had is, am I choosing the best gizmo??? Thanks in advance for your help as I have found before there are a lot of 'experts' out there who always help us thicky's!

awrite mate,let me know witch one u have chosen,as i'm stuck between the 250 garmin and tomtom v3, i need some help to make the rite choice as there r so many to choose from... slanj
awrite mate,let me know witch one u have chosen,as i'm stuck between the 250 garmin and tomtom v3, i need some help to make the rite choice as there r so many to choose from... slanj
Hi Garry mate,
I think that the Garmin's are the easiest to use, the tomtom's have a bit more data in them, but you should find out before you buy as you will need a data lead to connect it to your computer but if you have a digital camera the data lead off it should be the same, one more thing i don't think the the Garmin's come with a SD card (Secure Digital) as they have a built in Hard Drive card so you may have to buy one. ;)
aye trev, i 've been looking the last week . and the garmin seems to more straghtforward than the tomtom as it's got more gadgets,it't a minefield.... help me choose the the rite 111111111111111111111111111:D:D
aye trev, i 've been looking the last week . and the garmin seems to more straghtforward than the tomtom as it's got more gadgets,it't a minefield.... help me choose the the rite 111111111111111111111111111:D:D
Gary at the end of the day its got to be your own choice mate, i would always choose tomtom i have had mine for about three years now so i am used to it.
Garmin are more straight forward and in my opinion are easier to use.;)
Gary at the end of the day its got to be your own choice mate, i would always choose tomtom i have had mine for about three years now so i am used to it.
Garmin are more straight forward and in my opinion are easier to use.;)

cheers bud,i like the v3 but my babe like's garmin..arghhhhhhhhhh

I bought a tomtom and its so easy to use, if i can wok it, anyone can :)

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