Updating Garmin


Full Member
Hi, I mentioned some time ago that when Garmin no longer supplied map updates for my trusty old Garmin street pilot I got a Garmin nuvi 1340 on the assumption that with its capacity to store more waypoints then I could do away with the route storage capabilities of the street pilot, not so, I miss my routes.

So the question is which Garmin should I buy?

All I want from the unit is :-

The ability to store up to a 1,000 waypoints.
The ability to store up to 10 routes from Garmin map source.
Speed camera notification.

Dezi :pc:
Not sure about new units.

Should you not be able to do a comparison on the Garmin Web Site.

My Nuvi 550 does what your looking for !!and that is now 4+years old
Hi, I have done a quick comparison check, but comments from users are always handy.

Hi when I bought my Garmin it was with free life time updates which I've had for several years but last year Garmin stopped them and I can't get them to honour this agreement. So for not much more than the map updates I've installed Auto Route 2011 with dongle on my netbook perhaps this may be worth looking into as a alternative
I have the nuvi 1490 which can load lots of poi's and plan routes on it.

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