Unlucky or what

  • Thread starter Deleted member 9237
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Deleted member 9237

In September a friend stopped of at my place for the night on his way down to his house in Portugal on the way he parked up for the night on the beach with other moterhomes in the morning when he got up the place was empty the next thing happen the police turned up and gave him a fine of 60 euros the afternoon before he got there the police had been round and told them all to move but no one had told him. He just thought sod them and went on the Portugal but on the way back to England he was stopped at a normal road stop showed them his paper work and was told all was ok Expert for the fine he had got and not paid when he offered to pay the fine on the spot he was told because the fine should have been paid within 14 days the fine now was 180 euros :scared:
bad luck alright , but what kind of miserable,selfish sods wouldn't warn him ?
how's the weather by the way ?
Not really unlucky. He got fined, never paid it so it went up. It would have presumably caught up with him at some point and would have probably gone up further. I never understand the logic of those that dont pay fines and expect them to go away. Fine if you can dispute it and I have had a fair few parking tickets overturned but if you dont dispute it and dont pay up then your kind of stuffed. It will catch up with you.
In September a friend stopped of at my place for the night on his way down to his house in Portugal on the way he parked up for the night on the beach with other moterhomes in the morning when he got up the place was empty the next thing happen the police turned up and gave him a fine of 60 euros the afternoon before he got there the police had been round and told them all to move but no one had told him. He just thought sod them and went on the Portugal but on the way back to England he was stopped at a normal road stop showed them his paper work and was told all was ok Expert for the fine he had got and not paid when he offered to pay the fine on the spot he was told because the fine should have been paid within 14 days the fine now was 180 euros :scared:

So the road stop Police must have been equipped with computer access to a data base or radioed in for further information on his vehicle , why would they do that, they must have had some suspicion or something?seems a bit strong to me? did the Police not knock his door before a penalty was affixed to his vehicle or was he not in it at the time when the offence was committed on the beach?
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even several years ago i have seen folk stopped at borders and ferry ports and same thing happened . the spanish have been doing this sort of thing for years . i had a fine sent to uk back in 2000 they could only have got my address from my reg number . i was parked on a beach road in denia . we were out surfing and watched the police come stop and take reg numbers .
back then it was said they couldnt get our address,s but they could .
morocco could as well , know some that have been imprisoned for two weeks for non fine payment . and they didnt even know the fine had been sent as they were in morocco at the time .
So the road stop Police must have been equipped with computer access to a data base or radioed in for further information on his vehicle

Hate to break the bad news but these days they have a Automatic Number Plate Recognition Camera (ANPR) that scans every plate on passing vehicles and send the details to a central computer Details of hit are displayed with the reason the any hit on an in-car screen.

The officer only has to read the display and decide what to do.

In the early days the message was just a "vehicle of interest" indiicator, with no reason displayed.

There is a story, probably apocryphal, that in the early days an unmarked car in London got a 'ping' and put on the Blues and Twos.
The suspect vehicle took off at a great rate of knots.
The passenger in the unmarked car radioed for a liveried vehicle to join the persuit.
The passenger in the suspect vehicle radioed for urgent armed back up.
Princess Anne, in the suspect car, found it all very exiting.

The rules for returning a "vehicle of interest" were changed that same day.
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So the road stop Police must have been equipped with computer access to a data base or radioed in for further information on his vehicle , why would they do that, they must have had some suspicion or something?seems a bit strong to me? did the Police not knock his door before a penalty was affixed to his vehicle or was he not in it at the time when the offence was committed on the beach?

There is cross border cooperation now which includes the UK. Its bad form that nobody told the bloke before they all buggered off on the wild camping spot but if you get a fine now anywhere in Europe its best to either dispute it or cough up. They are supposed to be sending out speeding fines now to the UK but as far as I can tell from Germany and France at least its not happening. Yet. If you dont pay its quite likely if you venture to that country in the future you will get flagged up at some point.
Fine or no fine it was just crap no one telling him the police had been. What goes around come around.
Can we get the French and Spaniards etc. if they do the same here?
Re fighting, that is a tall order with laws you don't understand and in the case of most not fluent in the lingo ...I speak French to a standard but arguing nuances and complexities of law is totally different to explaining a bit of wind on the beach tomorrow ...Often the less stressful option is accepting a fine and move on ..perhaps too logical for some.

I remember working in the Dordogne the customer left his wallet in an intermarche needed a crime number for the insurance ..Police refused point blank if he had left it then there was no crime committed ........suffice to say my new found "mate " not too happy ....someones stupidity and everyone else to blame

ANPR improvements to IT should to anyone except the intellectually challenged that commit an offence stops with you until dealt with ...UK s reciprocal viewpoint take up with your MP it has little relevance since when has the law been fair ?

In the day I probably had 6 customer blissfully hammering out of Calais with some notion exempt from the gendarmes ( who you don't mess with have guns) got stopped and a healthy fine to start their holiday

In September a friend stopped of at my place for the night on his way down to his house in Portugal on the way he parked up for the night on the beach with other moterhomes in the morning when he got up the place was empty the next thing happen the police turned up and gave him a fine of 60 euros the afternoon before he got there the police had been round and told them all to move but no one had told him. He just thought sod them and went on the Portugal but on the way back to England he was stopped at a normal road stop showed them his paper work and was told all was ok Expert for the fine he had got and not paid when he offered to pay the fine on the spot he was told because the fine should have been paid within 14 days the fine now was 180 euros :scared:

Hi Ken are you able to name the beach?

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