Ultimate Barn Find Auction


Full Member
After a life time of collecting fabulous vintage vehicles etc. Lee Hartung has desided to sell off his masive collection.

This November 3-5, 2011, Auctions America by RM in partnership with RM Auctions will be lifting the gavel on one of the Chicago area's best known treasures -- The Lee Hartung Collection. Billed as the "Ultimate Barn Find Auction", the three-day sale will include over 2500 lots, and will put up for sale literally hundreds of America's rarest and most unique two- and four-wheeled vehicles

Link... Attention: The Lee Hartung Collection To Go Up for Auction!!!*-*Wheels Through Time

Rgd's Graham.
After a life time of collecting fabulous vintage vehicles etc. Lee Hartung has desided to sell off his masive collection.

This November 3-5, 2011, Auctions America by RM in partnership with RM Auctions will be lifting the gavel on one of the Chicago area's best known treasures -- The Lee Hartung Collection. Billed as the "Ultimate Barn Find Auction", the three-day sale will include over 2500 lots, and will put up for sale literally hundreds of America's rarest and most unique two- and four-wheeled vehicles

Link... Attention: The Lee Hartung Collection To Go Up for Auction!!!*-*Wheels Through Time

Rgd's Graham.

I couldn't see any MH's so will not participate by making a bid. Happy with what I have got.
This is a classic example of SPAM....

.... and is the sort of thing that makes me soooo :mad1::nospam::mad2: It seems that no forum is immune from these freeloading cuckoos.:scared:

If these people wish to advertise on our website, they should pay WC for the privilege, thereby benefiting us all by reducing the cots of maintaining the site.

End of.:hammer::hammer::hammer:

I feel soooo much better now..... :wave:
It seems that no forum is immune from these freeloading cuckoos

Sorry you've lost me with this post SteelyD. Tiderus is a full member and this post is only
for information and is also in the right section for general chat about anything. :confused:
This is a classic example of SPAM....?

Sorry to disapoint you Steely Dan, if only it were true, and I was having a cut of the millions of dollars that it will probably fetch.

As my other interesting hoby is visiting auctions, and know that the item listed are getting rare to see, let alone find. And a collection of this size

will be very hard to find again, and would no doubt be of interest to some of our members.

But even an expensive trip to the states, with only a few days to go, would even be out of reach, on me pension.

Needless to say that I have no financial or otherwise interest in this or any other auction, other than admiring Lee's life long devotion in building

up what can be the envy of many museums. Still not sure whether your winding me up, checked the date and its not the first of the fourth,

so I hope we have put it to rest.

Rgd's Graham.
After a life time of collecting fabulous vintage vehicles etc. Lee Hartung has desided to sell off his masive collection.

This November 3-5, 2011, Auctions America by RM in partnership with RM Auctions will be lifting the gavel on one of the Chicago area's best known treasures -- The Lee Hartung Collection. Billed as the "Ultimate Barn Find Auction", the three-day sale will include over 2500 lots, and will put up for sale literally hundreds of America's rarest and most unique two- and four-wheeled vehicles

Link... Attention: The Lee Hartung Collection To Go Up for Auction!!!*-*Wheels Through Time

Rgd's Graham.

I thought he had died !
He did die....in May 2011. I guess that's why there is an auction.....

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