UK's Worst Places


This quote from Bernard got me thinking that we all have opinions on some terrible or not so terrible places we've visited in the UK....have you a favourite gripe place that just hasn't lived up to the hype?

I have never stopped at Stonehenge, only driven past when it was closed so you couldn't get near it, but keep seeing it voted the worst place to visit in Britain

now OK the Stones are literally just that....a bunch of stones stuck in a field between two noisy roads.....but does it deserve that scathing a report?

after all in Northern Ireland we have the Giant's Causeway....and someone famous (can't remember who) is quoted as saying its "Worth visiting, but not worth going back to." what's yours?
i'm tempted to say the whole of cornwall but definitely lands end.took a couple of kids in after looking at the shiny brochure,couldn't stop laughing it was so dire,till i remembered what i paid.some cement chucked on a wall was a smugglers cave,a broken scrap helicopter on a stick comemorated helicopter rescue,god help you if you tried to get a photo of the stupid signpost thing without paying. you also had to pay extra for anything you wanted to look at in there.welcome to the land of the wreckers!
There are hundreds if not thousands of worst places in UK. I would say anywhere were there is brick boxes with people exesting in them, anywhere where there is loud noises. Anywhere where there is blackpool type amusements etc. and last but not least; Anywhere were they keep animals and birds in cages.
Mogs Eye, Skegness i have a few more but dont want to upset anyone but them two are my worst
I've lived in Harrogate for all but 5 years of my life and I can honestly say I've liked just about everywhere I've been better than here. Why anyone comes here of their own free will is beyond me. Nothing to see, overpriced and still living in the 1900s as far as being snobby is concerned. Bettys indeed!:rolleyes2:
There are hundreds if not thousands of worst places in UK. I would say anywhere were there is brick boxes with people exesting in them, anywhere where there is loud noises. Anywhere where there is blackpool type amusements etc. and last but not least; Anywhere were they keep animals and birds in cages.

Its all about personal taste, dont get me wrong I love a little bit of peace and quiet, however sometimes there is nothing like a little noise and being able to let your hair down, take this coming Sunday, 11.00am middle of Birmingham, Chinese New Year celebrations, very noisy, masses of people fantastic !!!
i'm tempted to say the whole of cornwall but definitely lands end.took a couple of kids in after looking at the shiny brochure,couldn't stop laughing it was so dire,till i remembered what i paid.some cement chucked on a wall was a smugglers cave,a broken scrap helicopter on a stick comemorated helicopter rescue,god help you if you tried to get a photo of the stupid signpost thing without paying. you also had to pay extra for anything you wanted to look at in there.welcome to the land of the wreckers!

.........and Newquay from the third week in July to the end of August.
i'm tempted to say the whole of cornwall but definitely lands end.took a couple of kids in after looking at the shiny brochure,couldn't stop laughing it was so dire,till i remembered what i paid.some cement chucked on a wall was a smugglers cave,a broken scrap helicopter on a stick comemorated helicopter rescue,god help you if you tried to get a photo of the stupid signpost thing without paying. you also had to pay extra for anything you wanted to look at in there.welcome to the land of the wreckers!

Aah Lands End: What a hole. How that was ever allowed to happen is anyone's guess
Foreign visitors are horrified when they see it.

And people query why I prefer wilding!!!!

Hi, I mentions some time ago that in 1962 I spent a summer working at Butlins just outside Skegness. I thought at the time that the caravan salesman

doing all that business must be a right smooth talking bar steward. A visit (briefly) 40 years later demonstrated that he had not lost his touch.

Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman being told "its Skegness for holiday this year love"

Dezi :pc:
This quote from Bernard got me thinking that we all have opinions on some terrible or not so terrible places we've visited in the UK....have you a favourite gripe place that just hasn't lived up to the hype?

now OK the Stones are literally just that....a bunch of stones stuck in a field between two noisy roads.....but does it deserve that scathing a report?

after all in Northern Ireland we have the Giant's Causeway....and someone famous (can't remember who) is quoted as saying its "Worth visiting, but not worth going back to." what's yours?

It could be a nice interesting rest stop for millions of travellers if they built a lay by there and kept it open, as it would be in other countries, and as it has been for thousands of years.
But now its gone the same way as so many of Britains interesting monuments.
Someone has to muscle in on it, say it has to be managed, fenced off, visitor centre, admission charged etc.
And grab themselves a £220k+++ dream job in the process.
What would they be doing if they weren't doing that?
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Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman being told "its Skegness for holiday this year love"

Dezi :pc:

Skeggy does have some advantages to the wild camper. Lots of quiet wide unrestricted streets to park. Flat so great for cycling when its not too windy. A good view cycling along the sea wall, being 20 foot high you can see a long way over the flat lands. Nice seafront gardens and imaginitive autumn illuminations. A very interesting and free open museum (Church Farm) with a large free unrestricted car/van park.
Ok there are more interesting places in Britain. But then you usually find English Heritage, National Trust or some other parasites have muscled in on it stopping you doing some things and charging you for others.
Aah Lands End: What a hole. How that was ever allowed to happen is anyone's guess
Foreign visitors are horrified when they see it.

I agree.

It's nice to say you have been to Lands end but I will not be rushing back.
All this pales into insignificance when like me you have to commute to Batley every day (thank god I don't have to live here!!:lol-053:)
Skeggy does have some advantages to the wild camper. Lots of quiet wide unrestricted streets to park. Flat so great for cycling when its not too windy. A good view cycling along the sea wall, being 20 foot high you can see a long way over the flat lands. Nice seafront gardens and imaginitive autumn illuminations. A very interesting and free open museum (Church Farm) with a large free unrestricted car/van park.
Ok there are more interesting places in Britain. But then you usually find English Heritage, National Trust or some other parasites have muscled in on it stopping you doing some things and charging you for others.

You've convinced me Bernard.
and people need a stone circle more than homes?

Lol....Bernard strikes again!....I think you a CJ would go well together the looks of things you both are like dogs with a bone lol!
The quotes about Stonehenge are based on some typical tourist who has got off a coach and got ripped off by EH for £7.00 to traipse round the outside of the stones for 30 mins.

I very much doubt they have ever seen the sun set over the stones, camped on the track, had a campfire, got up at 6.30 to see the stones appear through the mist, or walked along the chalk downs and in the woodland nearby.

Therefore any such reports can be safely filed in the bin, and as for quoting them, I can think of better things to spend time on.
I guess once this new Visitor Centre sets will be encouraged to sit indoors through video presentations and then go to the 'Cafe' for refreshment, and visit the new 'Gift Shop' all at 'captive audience' prices lol...(ok it might make it all more interesting and be a good wet day place to go)....but it's all heading towards a 'flexible friend' day out when it comes to paying for it! :lol-053:

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