tyres stopped our weekend


Last weekend we were away wilding but before we went I inflated our tyres and were shocked to see that a lot of them were less than they should of been.

One was very low. Our van is just over 3 years old and is twin wheeled rear wheel drive.

This weekend I go to check again and the same tyre is low. It is the inner tyre on the drivers side so hard to spot. On closer inspection it looks shot to pieces. I think from memory they have a 2007 date on them, the van is a 58 plate. So rather than risk going away we stayed put. The bad tyre is on the water tank side so must take alot of weight.

My question is what tyre should I replace these with, what has a stronger wall?? I can't get camping tyres in our size 185/75 r 16 c 104 so am thinking of continental vancos?? Or would a budget tyre do if they only last 3 years of use??

I was going to replace them tester this year but shocked to see that one is so bad.

Any advice??
I've recently been through the trauma of replacing the tyres on the van. I was going to use the latest offerings from Michelin until a pal of mine said "For the mileage I do and the speeds that I don't do, I'd buy a budget tyre"

We are quite lucky in East Anglia in that we have a number of mobile Plant fitters for heavy tractors and the like. So I went and had a look at what they were using. Now keep in mind that most Plant fitters have to go onto fields to service broken down machinery and also tend to over-load their vehicles I thought that this would be a good place to start

I ended up with Toyo and so far they have been far quieter on the road than the Michelins that they replaced: Hope that helps
I have Continental Vanco's on my 09 camper. they have done 18,000 miles and the service sheet from Ford says they still have 8mm tread on the fronts and 10mm on rears. No sign of any side wall cracking (like Michelins do).

Also they hold pressure well.
Thanks for comments I put vancos on the front last september but obviously desperate to do the rear now. Budget ones were suggested by the commercial garage I will be using but husband forgot to ask the make.

If I'm in doubt I may go for Vancos. Budget ones like you say may be fine if the walls are strong enough. The ones that have cracked are pirelli which I am shocked they have gone so soon.
Have a look at Tyre Wizard on the internet and their Hancook RA08's, excellent tyres.
Kath beat me to it! But i also recommend Hankooks. When I had my fleet, we always used them. They're a good balance of everything including grip in the wet & price. We used to get 40k (rear) & 60k (front) 'white van' miles out of them. & by that I mean very hard driving, heavy breaking, and mixed payloads (full load out, empty home, gave over a tonne difference on the rears).

hi we have just replaced set of four tyres on oure motorhome,
it had full set of mitchelins fitted, one had 2007 date stamp . all had 8mm tread
and all had sidewall craking
contacted mithelin for advice/ they said tacke the tyers off and sen to michelin for
assessment,not very helpfull was it.
put on a full set of hankook, they seem fine and about half the price of mithelins
whats the point of premium tyres that crack before you get any wear out of them
Yes it's the price thank counts for me, Lets face it campervan's aren't performance vehicles and mostly we aren't driving them at their limits even cheap tyres are made to suit the purpose. If unfortunately you damage one its better if it's a 45£ tyre than a 90£ one. Don't shop for any particular brand have whats offered cheapest when you need them

Hi Stacetop

Are the tyres the same age and make on the back axle, and is the bad wear caused by shockers or wheel bearings. You say about water weight but the base van is used to much heaver weights as a normal works van, that's why it has the twin wheels. Also if the tyres rub through under inflation they will over heat and crack up. I drive the Swift escape 09 and run with the vanco camper with the heaver side walls. Maybe ask a a good garage, as most tyre fitters and quick fit places only have fitters that swap old parts for new.I use a Commercial Fiat agent as my van is still under Warranty and I trust them, put still crawl under to double check any work done. hope it may help.

Regards Snowbirds.:goodluck::goodluck:

Last weekend we were away wilding but before we went I inflated our tyres and were shocked to see that a lot of them were less than they should of been.

One was very low. Our van is just over 3 years old and is twin wheeled rear wheel drive.

This weekend I go to check again and the same tyre is low. It is the inner tyre on the drivers sjustide so hard to spot. On closer inspection it looks shot to pieces. I think from memory they have .a 2007 date on them, the van is a 58 plate. So rather than risk going away we stayed put. The bad tyre is on the water tank side so must take alot of weight.

My question is what tyre should I replace these with, what has a stronger wall?? I can't get camping tyres in our size 185/75 r 16 c 104 so am thinking of continental vancos?? Or would a budget tyre do if they only last 3 years of use??

I was going to replace them tester this year but shocked to see that one is so bad.

Any advice??
I believe the tyres are all the same age and will have probably been on since new. We have only had the van 6 months so not too sure if they have been under inflated in the past.

I've just bought a air compressor for home so I can check and refil the tyres more often. I will certainly be keeping a closer eye on the new ones.

A good point about the springs/bearings I will mention it to the garage. The outer tyre on the same side has some minor cracks while the other side look fine so it may indicate a problem or it could of just happened due to the inner tyre being u/s.

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