Travelling with cats - Give it a go!
Travelling with cats
You can start a cat at any age, although starting young is easier. We started in 2009 when Sid was 19 and Smudge was 17. Both were used to freedom as we lived in the country and neither had ever worn a collar or harness. Sid had reached the age he hated travelling and would soil the basket in every way possible on even short trips to the vet, Smudge would let you loudly she protested.
We obtained harnesses and put them on the cats in the house, it was hilarious each cat reacted the same way, legs went rigid, they fell over onto their sides and 'lost' the ability to walk! This happened a number of times until they got used to them. When we go out in a car or the motorhome we put the harness on first.
In the motorhome we put an old towel in the shower and sit the litter tray on top. We use a wood based pellet for our litter (buy biomass pellets from a local heating supplier - 5% VAT rather than 20%VAT from the supermarket!) This stops urine from smelling and we dig out the poo and put it into the toilet. What remains is sawdust and can be scattered discretely under trees or bushes as its 100 biodegradable.
For feeding we have a stainless steel dog bowl which we use for fresh water, it sits on the floor in the toilet along with wet and dry food bowls. It's size stops water slopping out as we drive and means the cats always have a good supply.
We normally give our cats freedom when travelling but can attach them to seat belts if necessary. The passenger intercepts any cat moving forward of the driver and chases them back, after a short time they learn to keep away from the driver.
Sid took to this well and we had two years of travelling 'complaint free' till he died aged 21. Following this enter Hobbes, the kitten, - yes he fell over and 'lost' the ability to walk on meeting the harness! Hobbes is now 8 years old and has set paw in 17 countries. A seasoned harness traveller who even catches mice with his harness on. Smudge lived to the age of 22 and died last year.
To attach to the harnesses we have two systems, we have a retractable dog lead (it is 5 metres the cat one was 3 metres) for walking. We also have a 15 metre nylon line which when parking with an opportunity to sit outside I stretch thisa line between two points - for example between a tree and the bike rack or mirror and tension it. I have a small spinnaker (nice fast running stainless steel pulley bought from a ships chandler) on it and to that I use a climbing karabiner to attach the handle of the retractable dog lead. This lets the cat go the length of the line and up to 5 metres either side of it without getting tangled.
This year, for the first time, we let Hobbes out without a lead on as we were camped in the remotest part of a cider orchard on a France Passion site. He was no problem but I still wouldn't let him loose where it was busier.
The cat is a great talking point with other motorhomers and I love the smiles he gets when people spot him, and the only thing we haven't been able to do is stop Hobbes from chasing dogs!