Travel From Narbonne (near Marseille) to Sofia (Bulgaria)


Hi Folks

We are planning a three-stage trip. On the first two stages there will be five of us, the last stage there will be six. We are considering pulling a small car on an A-frame or will take a small trailer.
...and a small dog!

I need help and advice please, especially for the second stage (Narbonne to Sofia).

Stage 1 UK to Narbonne (Beginning of Dec)
This is the easy part and many threads cover it.
Still, any help/advice appreciated.

Stage 2 Narbonne to Sofia (Just before Christmas)
We think (correct us please!) that the best would be to take a ferry from France to Greece or from Italy (Ancona?) to Greece (IGOUMENITSA?).
It appears to me to be a three-day trip this way, driving all the way would take four days at least.
Can anyone recommend a route and which ferry to take. Any idea of costs? Best website to look at?
We would prefer to stay in the van if possible.

Stage 3 Sofia to UK (End of Jan 2008)
Presume it's simply drive, drive and drive some more.
What route to take?
How long will it actually take?
Any idea on road/toll costs?
Any issues with dragging a small car on an A-frame?

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Personaly, I would drive all the way!
Many moons ago,(18 years ago) I drove from the UK, via the coast road of Yugo, into Greece and then into Turkey. To the Black sea and then to southern Turkey on the Med and back around the Turkish coast and back home.
I will never forget it and would not have done it any other way!
Roger, I would check the legalities of the A Frame as I think quite iffy
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