Trackers work!!


Full Member
Well that was a spectacular adrenaline hit. We were at a pub for Chris's Birthday when our youngest rang to say that his NSR125 motorbike had been pinched from the car park at Ikea. I had fitted a tracker to it so he got an alert that it had moved. It was stationary when I looked so we let the Police know where it was parked and headed off in that direction. Alas, he had moved off before we got there and at one point came screaming past in the other direction followed by the Police with flashing lights. He managed to lose the Police but we kept following the tracker signal and he eventually parked up in a rather rough looking housing estate in Hucknell. We couldn't tell exactly which house it was so we waited for the Police to get there. After 5 minutes a lad with helmet came out of one of the houses right next to where we had parked. After a bit of verbal confrontation he decided to leg it! He was bigger than me so I was not too disappointed that things hadn't turned to violence. Turns out he had just sold it to the lad who lived there who was going to break it. The Police turned up just as all the action had finished :) Fortunately, just some damaged wiring for me to fix!

That £80 tracker has saved us a lot of money and preserved his no claims bonus. Highly recommended!!

Rewire 104-pro is what I used. Ideal for bikes as battery will last a week and can be stashed under a seat. Also has a magnet so can be clipped to a chassis rail. Too soon to know if he will be done but he was captured on cctv and we know where he lives......
Glad you got your boys bike back but seriously don't get why you would possibly put your life in danger for a few quids worth of replaceable possessions.

That was a £1500 quid bike that my lad uses to do his job. I don't know about you but I'm not letting a scrote get away with nicking what's not his......
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It's the financial, hassle factor Charlie. Most of these cnuts will run a mile when challenged, and if they don't you can back down - it's worth a try!
Brilliant well done ide burn it before ide let some plunger take for nowt.
Be very, very careful if you tackle / challenge / teach a lesson to some little shyte you catch :mad2:

I ended up with a criminal record after catching a barsteward in my house dealing drugs to my then 15 year old daughter :mad2:

Admittedly he did spend over 3 months in hospital and it would have been the mortuary if the 2 neighbours hadn`t manage to stop me :scared:
Be very, very careful if you tackle / challenge / teach a lesson to some little shyte you catch :mad2:

I ended up with a criminal record after catching a barsteward in my house dealing drugs to my then 15 year old daughter :mad2:

Admittedly he did spend over 3 months in hospital and it would have been the mortuary if the 2 neighbours hadn`t manage to stop me :scared:

Yipes, that must have been tough!

I'm normally mild mannered but when I blow it goes big style. My wife got out the car like a shot and was already shouting at him so I had no time to decide if confronting him was a good idea!

My lad wanted us to pick him up from work but we didn't want the delay before trying to find the bike. He is a 2nd Dan black belt in Jujitsu so he certainly could have kept the lad quiet while the Police got there :hammer:

I tend not to make conscious decisions in those situations and just pile in with feet and teeth bared, not wise but my anger at sh1ts like the above takes over. Being a short arsed old fart with a dodgy ticker hardly makes me Kendo Nagasaki!:scared:
Being a short arsed old fart with a dodgy ticker hardly makes me Kendo Nagasaki!:scared:
You sound more like Les Kellet
les kellet.jpg
Pallow brothers?



I assume you are referring to Jackie Pallo, but I don't recall him having a broher.

Two wrestlers who fought using the names Vic Faulkner & Bert Royal were brothers (real name Faulkner), they were a tag team "The Royal Brothers".
Les Kellet... now you are showing your age.. used to watch him myself, Giant Haystacks too..
I watched Les Kellet wrestle live at Barnsley Civic Hall in the late 60's, both wrestlers finished up covered in blood and no play acting involved because it was a match for the rankings in the British Championship, it was how wrestling should be.
Saw Mick McManus v Jimi Saville at Belle Vue, Mick punched him so hard in the balls Saville was wearing them as earrings. Also saw Pallo v McManus, the only one to get knocked out was the ref and he was tossed out of the ring so the pair of them could kick ten bells out of each other. Their fight money was withheld because of it!

From Trackers to wrestling - only on Wildcamping eh?
Les Kellet's tag partner was Leon Arras, who as well as wrestling was a Shakespearian actor, Brian Glover.
Les Kellet's tag partner was Leon Arras, who as well as wrestling was a Shakespearian actor, Brian Glover.
I met Brian Glover quite a lot while they were filming Kes, a few of my friends were in the film because they chose locals from Barnsley Schools as child actors, unfortunately I had just left School so not in the running but we managed to hang around the film sets, if only they had wanted Rockers:cry:
I nursed Jackie Pallo a few years ago,a real character, always wore black shirt and black trousers...and he was a really sweet man.

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