Toyota Hiace LWB 2000 - extra seat


Full Member
A friend of mine has a Toyota Hiace LWB, year 2000. He has done a very basic fit out which suits his needs. The van has two fixed seats, driver and passenger. They now have a child, one year old, so need a third seat, with the ability to fix a child’s seat.

He is looking at the option and needs some ideas.
- Fit a bench seat, but one seat will only have a lap belt. He bought one on ebay but although it was only a year newer the fixings are different.
- Fit a third seat between the two existing seats. In Australia the model has the option of a jump seat.
- Fit a single or row of two seats behind the existing seats, this will require some reconfiguring of the layout which he is prepared to do.

Whatever he does there must be the possibility of fixing a child seat. The fitting needs to done properly for insurance purposes so advice on companies who could do the work would be appreciated.

i dont think, but not 100%, that you can fit only a lap-belt as a new installation. I have an old van and the original habitation seats have lap-belts and i can replace those as pre-existing. i suggest you may have to reconfigure the van as your child's safety is paramount - as i am sure that is why you have come here to ask for suggestions...
Was discussing something similar with son in law a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't aware you couldn't fit lap belts now though. My suggestion to him was a rear facing fold down seat (like you used to get in black cabs) with a lap belt for missus then child seat in front as they have to be in forward facing seat. A useless idea though in light of lap belts.

You need to check if you have anchor points for child restraints/seat belts, that will determine what you can fit where I think. Going back a few years (probably 25 plus if I sit and think about it) a mate bought a row of 3 seats including belts that came out an airplane. Probably take up too much space for your mate though as they went across the full cab in mates transit if I recall right. I dont know if it would be legal now though
That doesn't mention rear facing seat, wondering where I got the bit about child restraints and rear facing seats from. I keep saying restraints but thats not the right word, is it bolster seats/child seats not sure what they call them
i think the only definitive issue i have come across for Hab restraints is that you cannot insure anyone seated across the habitation unit even if they are belted in. Seated backwards is meant to be safer than facing forward, so i think as long as the passengers are belted in thats ok...

if we cannot find definitive answers here why not emial DVLA ?

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