Too old


Well, I know what you'll all say....I'm too old for it and shouldn't be doing it....:)

And Jeremy Kyle would do his Basil Fawlty impression over it....:)

But I have to come clean and say....Facebook is driving me crackers tonight ..:(

Jumping about, posts not showing up, things being lost. It was fine till they fiddled with it. Why folks have to fiddle with things is quite beyond me. But fiddle they did and this technically challenged soul is nearly going bonkers....:mad2:

Well, I know what you'll all say....I'm too old for it and shouldn't be doing it....:)

And Jeremy Kyle would do his Basil Fawlty impression over it....:)

But I have to come clean and say....Facebook is driving me crackers tonight ..:(

Jumping about, posts not showing up, things being lost. It was fine till they fiddled with it. Why folks have to fiddle with things is quite beyond me. But fiddle they did and this technically challenged soul is nearly going bonkers....:mad2:


It is frustrating and too bloody slow.
Facebook is a pain, even though I'm on it.

I agree with you, it's a pain when they keep changing the site, but I'm actually on it twice once as myself and once for my freelance work. I find the internet fascinating, as I can talk directly to people all over the world online from my phone. The new Timeline irritates me, as does the tendency of people to post every detail of their lives on there and post endless pictures of their children. At least it's relatively spam free, unlike other online sites, which bombard you with adverts for Viagra etc.
I had a lovely pressie the other week, a Blackberry tablet.....and I did think it was that app playing up.

As my PC is upstairs and I was getting so frustrated with the jumping etc, I have made the effort to bum shuffle upstairs, wait for my steam driven PC to do all its funny cranky bits that it has to do, and guess what?

Its still jumping on the PC......:pc:

I really enjoy Facebook. I keep in touch with family, old army buddies and have made new friends through my camping group.
I do agree that people cutting and pasting so called 'inspirational' text and pictures, lurid medical details and such gets on ones wick a bit. Like all else in life, nothing is perfect ..... Oooops! Except this forum of course:scared:

Old Age Travellers Untie
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With me not getting out much i tend to live in a virtual world, apart from my good friend next door who rings me every other day to make sure Im still in the land of the living, I talk to no-one. Family are busy folk with their own lives etc. I understand cos that used to be me, no spare minute in the day.

But Im happy enough in my own odd way, and keep in touch with old friends and make new ones through the internet :) :)

With me not getting out much i tend to live in a virtual world, apart from my good friend next door who rings me every other day to make sure Im still in the land of the living, I talk to no-one. Family are busy folk with their own lives etc. I understand cos that used to be me, no spare minute in the day.

But Im happy enough in my own odd way, and keep in touch with old friends and make new ones through the internet :) :)


Stick with us Ange, we may be a little mad but we will cheer you up sometimes and share your problems with you other times.
Morganthemoon, thank you for your lovely post :) :)

Firefox, thanks for the links. I'll have a look when I'm on the PC :)

i joined face book under an alias,who me

no me you did what,

you know what i mean,

I joined to keep an eye on what the kids & G-kids are up to. I learn a lot more than they would normally dare tell me. Very useful it is.

Also great to post piccies when away in the van so your friends are getting instant personal postcards of what you are up to. At over 50p/ postcard plus 5 days to deliver the things, instant free pictures & comments accessible to all is a no-brainer of a decision.
I'm not on facebook but the dog is! He's a clever little mut, can type, load up photo's of his travels in our van and everything.
It's a strange addiction, I can't go through the day without checking on it :scared:
we have met some lovely people on it and the dog has met some of his doggy friends while we've been away in the van too. We have been sent gifts and christmas cards from our facebook friends from all over the world. I don't go on as myself as I am not interested in the biatches I went to school with!
Its like this forum, even if I don't post I have to have a little look around at what's going on and who's on and If it wasn't for this forum I wouldn't have met some of the lovely folk on here and be proud to call them friends. Not that kimbowbill tho, she's not nice at all, follows me everywhere n all sorts, just can't get rid of her :lol-053::lol-053: Only joking Jen, you know I love ya

i did have face book but closed it down after getting too much flak and greif do still have a old account and false account just to look at thiis forums site
I'm currently on facebook, using the site to gain support for opposing a proposed cycle track through my local woodland, a super nature reserve and SSSI.

Once the thing has been sorted one way or the other, I will close the account. FB really p***ses me off.
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