Does the Toll Tag work at Pont de Normandie or do all vehicles have to stop and pay the Booth attendants?
:dog: :dog: :dog:
:dog: :dog: :dog:
That's a resounding answer! Maybe I should look into it for my Spain trip ...
Wheres your sense of adventure. Holding up the traffic while you sort out all the small coins and then walk round van is half the fun.
yeoblade - my wife used to do the collecting of tickets and paying with a minimum of complaint ever since we first visited France.
But once we'd got a Toll Tag and sailed through every Toll booth this year with no hassle – I got a rollicking for not getting a Tag years ago!
Beware SWMBO.
:dog: :dog: :dog: :dog:
And don't forget the 20km(?) booths where you don't even have to stop
I love our Liber-T tag; was a right pain before trying to get close enough that Aidan could sort out the payment without me (driver) taking off the mirrors. Oh, and the embarrassment as he took the opportunity to get rid of every "brown" coin he had at the manned booths!
My life is made a bit more difficult as the passenger seat and foot well is packed with stuff. I've handled them in the past and years ago when travelling as a passenger had no problems. I like the idea of just driving through but depends whether that's worth the cost, which I'm not sure of yet.