Toll stickers


As our friend Undersiege had some unfriendly experiences with toll stickers in Austria; I post here the countries who cherrish this stinking stickers bussines:
Toll stickers by country
Czech Republic
For privately owned vehicles, a toll sticker is required for use of motorways. They are available in 7-day, one month, and one year increments. For commercial vehicles, the sticker method was disposed of in 2007.
For cars, there are 4-day, weekly, monthly and annual vignettes. The prices are 1170-1530 HUF, 2550 HUF, 4200 HUF and 37200 HUF. (approximately in EUR : 5, 9, 15 and 135)
For cars weighing less than 3.5 tons, the toll sticker prices are €3 for one week, €7 for one month, and €28 for one yea
Toll stickers are available in several categories depending on the vehicle's weight. They can be purchased for one year, one week, and one month.
For the use of 46,47 km of the Slovenian freeways and expressways use of toll stickers is obligatory for all vehicles with the permissible maximum weight of 3.5 tons on motorways and expressways as of July 1, 2008. The sticker costs are €35 for half a year, and €55 for a year. Motorcyclists have to pay €17.50, and €27.50 respectively. Trucks use existing toll road stops. Use of highways and expressways without a valid and properly displayed sticker in a vehicle is a violation of the law and is punished with a fine of €300 or more.
All cars driving on autobahns of Switzerland are required to have an annual toll sticker. It costs CHF 40 for all cars with maximum admissible weight of 3.5 tons or less. A separate sticker must be purchased for a trailer or a caravan. The sticker is valid for 14 months, from December 1 to January 31 next year.

Péages on motorways in France, Spain, Portugal and Italy
Free motorways in Benelux (only toll in Liefkeshoektunnel north of Antwerp),
Germany, Scandinavia

At least you know which countries and higways should be avoided :rolleyes:
The absolute worst in my opinion is Romania. You pay, but there are no motorways!!! All the light fittings on my Hymer fell off on their roads and I spent my time learning Romanian curses (carried down from Vlad himself) for the mafioso drivers overtaking on solid lines from Bucharesti (and Hungary and Italia):mad:
Slovenia will this year introduce a reduced rate of toll charges (aka known as stinking sticker charges by Belgian) at the insistence of the EU.
And here,s me thinking that the whole idea of the forming of the EU was to form a united Europe and bring down the barriers between neighbouring countries, thus introducing free movement across the whole of the continent:confused:.
It must be my Island Attitude kicking in:eek::rolleyes:
You are right Lenny, but you can use it to advantage. When on the Romamian side waiting to get into the Ukraine side there was a very long delay, apparently because of a shift change-over. i went to the border post on foot after an hour of waiting and complained about the delay, asserting my rights as a European. It worked since I got shifted to the front of a queue of long suffering Romanians. I shifted to the front so that I had more time to spend waiting for the Ukrainians.:eek:
austrian vignette

we travelled into austria in september, entered at lake constance,pulled in to purchase vignette at the border 2 euros one way.
when re entering the motorway after 100 yards those with no vignettes were being pulled over and fined.
be carefull out there.

live long and prosper:D:p
The fine in Austria is quite expensive too, around 200 EURO!

We allways got one on the border after hearing all the storys, Austrian police are keen with the old speed gun too.
Highway tolls

Oh! ye'll take the highway and
I'll take the slow road,
And ye'll pay afore me,
in those bonny, bonny banks of Europe

(sorry Scots) :cool:
Leo, are you sure you don't have a "wee" bit o' Scots Blood in ye?

Get yersel' ower tae Scotland, we'd love tae "meet" ye!!!!!!
there is no need to use the autoroute s in switzerland
just enjoy a lazy drive on the other roads and enjoy the views
better views and no charge

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