To tow or not to tow


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Most of the time we’re happy with our van, but on some trips we get a bit frustrated by it.

Sometimes we think we’d like to leave it in one place as a base and explore by car: easier to park in tiny little villages, no hassle putting everything away, doddle nipping to the shops and so on. But we’re buggered if we’re going to become caravan people: no offence to those that are, but just not for us.

So, four options
- accept that nothing’s perfect and stop thinking about it: enjoy the van for what it is
- tow a car on an A-frame
- tow a car on a trailer
- if it’s going to be that sort of trip, use B&B/car instead of the van

(we don’t do motorbikes...nor does the dog)

Anybody tow a car regularly? Good or bad experiences?
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Electric Bikes are BRILLIANT .. We did over 100 miles on ours last time we were away. Quicker than walking and you can bring back the groceries. You also get a nice breeze if its hot.
Had same dilemma thought long and hard for-more than a year you’ll hear all the negative stuff about not doing it mostly from people who have no intention of towing or no experience I just done what I thought suited me best had a towbar fitted too van then picked up a wee second hand fiat already converted with A-frame probably find Ill use it three or four times a year as a tow car but it’s good to know I’ve got the option if I want it and I’ve heard all the stuff about being illegal in France Spain but won’t be using it there so think I’m sorted. Do what suits you and what you’re comfortable with
I tow a Fiat Panda with an A frame, but it depends on where and for how long we are going, two or three days and we don't bother but any longer and we decide whether or not depending where it is, it is useful for shopping and also as a trailer to carry extra things in on your journey
Most of the time we’re happy with our van, but on some trips we get a bit frustrated by it.

Sometimes we think we’d like to leave it in one place as a base and explore by car: easier to park in tiny little villages, no hassle putting everything away, doddle nipping to the shops and so on. But we’re buggered if we’re going to become caravan people: no offence to those that are, but just not for us.

So, four options
- accept that nothing’s perfect and stop thinking about it: enjoy the van for what it is
- tow a car on an A-frame
- tow a car on a trailer
- if it’s going to be that sort of trip, use B&B/car instead of the van

(we don’t do motorbikes...nor does the dog)

Anybody tow a car regularly? Good or bad experiences?

One easy deciding factor could be, can you have a towbar fitted that is strong enough to tow a car ?
Been there, done that for 3 years then sold it on because it wasn`t being used as much as it should have been.

It spent more time sat on the drive with the A-frame in the boot than it did out and about with the motorhome.

We don`t use many campsites and we wasn`t happy leaving the motorhome in the middle of nowhere whilst we went off in the car.

Tried leaving the motorhome on a few car parks but the very act of turning up towing a car and then unhitching it attracted a lot of attention.

It also advertised the fact that we would be leaving it unattended for quite a while.
Another big factor for me is safety as the twin axle (TAG) ALKO chassis is already very inclined to lose traction on the front drive wheels in certain situations especially tight hairpin bends on a hill so to my mind adding any additional weight to the rear will make the vehicle dangerous in certain situations and it wil only tow 1000kg as far as I am aware so a trailer and car isn't going to happen.

You need a microlight Charlie not a car, anyway there are two of you so you can drive a vehicle each haha, hope Caz doesn't think she is doing that again :(

We have same thing where we want something to get around when we park out of places, Caz has electric bike and my current thinking is electric trike but still thinking and looking as would need a twist grip
Hello Mark.
I have quite a bit of experience when it come to towing on an A frame. As we got older and my wife became less mobile because of Arthritis we decided that this was the way to go. A year ago we sold our Picanto tow car and boy, did we miss it. So much so we have just bought another tow car. So you see that it all comes down to life style choices, it made our life easier to own one. We did not want a caravan as it limits our choice to have a quick week end away at some beauty spot or other. I never get drawn into an argument on here over the pro's and no's of having a tow car, this forum is in my opinion one of the best on the web for the UK, there is bound to be some for and against. I just do what I do after consideration focussed thought and what I want to spend my kids inheritance on. So if you want to, just do it I have had very little negative experience in my travels because I did my homework, and by the way totally ignore the Sat nav when towing I plan my route so as to not make any silly mistakes. good luck.
Sorry for sounding cynical on this matter.

I decided on a motorhome because I did not want to tow, and because a motorhome provided us with greater flexibility and freedom.

Now if you use campsites from there you can hire a car, I reckon this would provide you with a cheaper option than buying a car with insurance, road tax, and maintenance not to mention purchasing the vehicle and trailer. Also this way you don't have hassle of towing.

Even if you wild camp there are rental options available.
.....Now if you use campsites from there you can hire a car, I reckon this would provide you with a cheaper option than buying a car.....

I’d wondered about that, too, but we have a dog who’d need to come with us and in my experience most hire companies don’t allow pets in the vehicle. Especially if they knew how much hair he leaves behind everywhere he goes. We had to put him in our Audi once, just once, and we still were finding hairs when we valeted it before selling it 4 years later!
I’d wondered about that, too, but we have a dog who’d need to come with us and in my experience most hire companies don’t allow pets in the vehicle. Especially if they knew how much hair he leaves behind everywhere he goes. We had to put him in our Audi once, just once, and we still were finding hairs when we valeted it before selling it 4 years later!

Well you really have a problem here.
You would need a decent size of car if you wish to transport your dog.
We too bought a motorhome as there was no way we wanted to tow, we also didn't want to stop on sites (it won't be as easy to wild camp with a car in tow), I would also check your insurance as not all allow towing anymore, as we found out by reading the small print. The electric bikes sound a good option, or the b&b route, it's always nice to have a change and a bit of luxury.
Electric Bikes are BRILLIANT .. We did over 100 miles on ours last time we were away. Quicker than walking and you can bring back the groceries. You also get a nice breeze if its hot.

Does the dog get a bike as well.?
I towed with an a frame for several years, but I found it’s a pain. Big parking spaces needed, fear of obstacles as you can’t back them up reliably, not practical for many wild camping locations, can’t use in many EU countries. I stopped towing the car around four years ago and don’t regret it, however we do have a Honda scooter which I understand is not for you.

I say all this and I am a HGV driver so it’s not about the the physical driving, it’s about parking and going down small lanes.
E bikes and a doggy ride trailer works well for us. Picked up the trailer in Holland. Originally just for Oscar��,but we came back from Greece with Corrie. So now 35kgs of dog plus the trailer. Ours has a cargo rack on top for luggage. I still manage to ride up most hills on top power mode.

We also hire small cars if we are going to be on a site for a few days and want to explore in narrow road / difficult parking areas.
I gave up caravanning and switched to motorhomes and campervans because I was fed up with all the work involved in hitching and unhitching everything. Wouldn't want to go back to it, I found it very difficult and hard work on my own once the kids had grown up and didn't want to go camping with me anymore, so towing a car behind would defeat the object.

However, each to their own and whatever works for you. I tend to do my sightseeing en route and never stay more than a few nights in one place so it suits me better. I either walk or catch a bus if I am on a site and need to go somewhere. I appreciate that isn't possible for everyone.
Another big factor for me is safety as the twin axle (TAG) ALKO chassis is already very inclined to lose traction on the front drive wheels in certain situations especially tight hairpin bends on a hill so to my mind adding any additional weight to the rear will make the vehicle dangerous in certain situations and it wil only tow 1000kg as far as I am aware so a trailer and car isn't going to happen.

I understand your your advice re tag axles I’ve had two, however a tow car on an a-frame does not add any downward weight to the tow vehicle (except the weight of the bar itself around 10kg on the ball).
We have considered towing.......... but if we did, it would be a motorbike on a trailer, but, we have a rather large garage supported by a tag axle.
The whole idea of purchasing the tag axle with the garage was indeed to "garage" a motorbike. That was 4 years ago, and to date the garage has never seen anything heavier than cycles.

Our current thought process is, if we need a motorbike to get around then we are too old to get it into the garage. all the time we are fit enough to cycle, we cycle, and sometimes we will go out cycling for the day, over many miles, therefore maintaining some form of fitness.
Also, we believe that if we are going to tow a car, we may as well go back to caravanning, which we enjoyed, but in the meantime our motorhome, although costing more, is soooooo convenient, park (almost) anywhere, turn the seats round and put the kettle on. :)

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