to a new start

Deleted member 775

hi all, i have been trying to catch up with every thing that has been happening since the start of this new year.and i have got to say we are getting more members by the week , i am so pleased that the weekend at cromford went down well, we would have loved to attended but life is life, and after all a small setback aint the end of life .lets have more get togethers in 2008 ,i know a lot of members like to spend there time away in there vans in private and there is nothing wrong with that, we love to get away on our own too. but i do think a meet every so often is no bad thing we are looking forward to attending one in the future,i do think that we can alter things like aires and the like.we just have to start putting a bit of pressure on the powers to be and with a bit of luck !!well we will see. i think graham hadfield can help us as he seems in the know about local authoritys and the way to go about pettitioning fo our rights any way time to catch up a bit more. thanks to all
What bought that speech on, Mandrake, lovely though it was. I have regrets about not being able to make cromford on Saturday. Worst was to come for me, in a way;

On sunday my 'significant other' had to be at heathrow for a 1pm flight, so he hired a car to drop off at heathrow, got up sunday morning and guess what couldnt find the xxxxxx keys, so after turning the house upside down and blaming everyone he left in a rush in my car!!!

So I'm driving everywhere in EV (our camper). I know it shouldnt be a bad thing but it is slow and I have to think about parking and reversing....

Needless to say I found the keys in the kitchen drawer, but couldnt drive the thing cause its not in my name, had to pay for them to pick it back up.

I'm trying to save to go to Iceland too.

I had no idea tht prices had risen that much

I blame that bloody Kerry catona

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