Hello everyone. We are new to motorhoming and a few months ago bought our pride and joy and thought long and hard about where we would go over the years to come. Well to cut a long story short we decided over several glasses, well bottles really, to have a ‘gap year’ leave our jobs and ‘do the UK’. We want to see some of the wonderful countryside, buildings, villages, history, cities etc that make up this fantastic country, so we are looking to start off this March and come home sometime in the autumn. The idea is to wildcamp as well as use CL’s and CS’s and of course some mainstream sites. We are starting off in Fareham on the south coast and then going around the country anti clockwise calling in on Kent for some of March round to Suffolk staying with family and then up the east side. Around about Flamborough Head we are going to head west calling in to the Dales and Lake District. After chilling out there it is up to Scotland and the western isles getting there before May hoping to miss the dreaded midges! Then it’s the rest of Scotland in June with the idea being to let gravity bring us down the country through Northumberland and Wales, finally ending up in Cornwall by the autumn. Well, that’s the idea……! Over the last couple of months we have been looking at all the information that is so kindly given by the members and guests and wonder if any of you could let us know of any really lovely places to visit on our route so that we can appreciate what you have seen, in fact any advice you can give us would be most wellcome. Many thanks in advance.