This one is for Hillwalker


Hi Hilly,
See if you have a private message from me, i have sent another one to test because there seems to be a problem you dont seem to be able to get my PM's but i get yours.:confused: :confused: :confused: :(
Trevor said:
Hi Hilly,
See if you have a private message from me, i have sent another one to test because there seems to be a problem you dont seem to be able to get my PM's but i get yours.:confused: :confused: :confused: :(
i still didn't receive the hot mail .try this
Have you got your PMs switched on in the user control panel (user CP)?
Trevor said:
I have had a look in user cp can not find option to swich on or off:confused:
did u send a email , to the other address i gave u
Trevor said:
I have had a look in user cp can not find option to swich on or off:confused:

Click on "user control panel"... then click on "edit options".... tick box "private messaging".
virgil said:
Click on "user control panel"... then click on "edit options".... tick box "private messaging".
virg my man, just checked mine is switched on..:D :D
virgil said:
Click on "user control panel"... then click on "edit options".... tick box "private messaging".
the box is already ticked Virg so i dont know whats up mate:confused:
Have you both ticked the box and clicked the "save changes" box at the bottom of page?

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