The subject of draining


Drained the hot water and cold water (fresh) tanks last week.
now do I keep my switches (that I used to drain) in the drain position or turn them back into the closed postion over winter?
Also do I leave my taps switched on or off over winter.
I also have drained the little that was left in my waste.
I am not saying I have finished for the winter as we all know it just takes only a little time to put the water back in.
May try a c& c c site in between xmas and new year
shame Hayfield is not open :(:(
might try Kingsbury water park????? thats if they are not fully booked!! could try Delemere but it says TV reception is not good
Or is any one going out around the Cheshire area or north west??

Interesting Questions Polly
We have drained our Tanks but cannot open taps as they were frozen solid when we came back from the Borders,not unfrozen yet. Fingers crossed no damage done. Fresh tank was iced over internally with internal wall covered in ice but it drained OK.

Winter Motorhoming

This is sort of related to this thread - We have a planned trip for first week in feb in Midlands. Does anyone have any other tips for avoiding freezing problems whilst using the van. Would appreciate any info

Cheers John
dose any one think of emptying the toilet it can sometimes be overlooked especialy if only used ocasionaly
i always keep a greenhouse fan heater on in the van in winter
just on frost setting it helps to keep the damp away and at very little cost

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