Have stayed here several times paid in car park at marina and also stayed on road opposite car park by cafe nice walk into Swansea along bay.But have not been since March last year .You may find 2 long termers who say they have permit to stay in marina car park as marina members make your own views on this statement.
We go every month and stay on the road a few mtrs up from the yacht club. Never had a problem and been been doing it now for 2 years. Stay 4 nights but during the day we visit Mum. The only down side us when a bus goes past it does the rock the van a bit . But got use to that now . Not sure but I think the car park is a fiver a night.
Hi thanks for the reply peeps
Looking on google earth seems a fair bit of choice there
Heading for henrhyd falls tonight and then popping down sat afternoon for the night
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