The midge..


Off up to the north coast in a week and Iwas just wondering if anyone is up that way at the moment? How is the midge getting along? We're hugging the coast with some swimming and hopefully a wave or two and int hat hoping to miss them. Any current info would be fantastic!
We came across the beggars on the west coast and they were voracious, even the dog was drive demented by them.
Just arrived home after 10 nights up the west coast. No major smidge problems when on the coast, there was usually a breeze which kept the little blighters at bay.
Inland was another story, fortunately ‘smidge’ spray works for me and I returned home without one bite which was a first for me.
They are ever present this time of year. All down to your luck with the weather, pray for a breeze :)
Another way to avoid them is head for high ground. Many advantages to being mobile!

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