the lowest of the low


Full Member
Last week i heard on the radio where a house had been burgled and they had stolen the ashes of the elderly grandmother, i didnt think anyone could be so cruel and stoop so low, until yesterday, my friend who is a wheelchair user, comes out of her house in her wheelchair, gets in her car and goes to work, at work she has a chair waiting for her, when she comes home, guess what?, someone had stolen her chair, she had to phone 999 for assistance to help her get back in her house, i am so lost for words, i just cant believe someone could steal a wheelchair, what is wrong with people? i'm totally disgusted.:mad2:
its a very sorry place now I'm afraid, there seems to be more and more people ready and willing to steal, con and generally rip off anyone they can now days, they have no shame at all, ..........:mad: thieving ******* should be birched.....(spelling?):mad1:
i have to disagree,from what i remember there have always been thieves and murderers and paedophiles and all the rest,and always have been .thinking that things are getting worse all the time is disempowering. they're out there,always have been,stay on your guard and don't leave anything lying around that you're not willing to lose,don't be paranoid but don't be complacent,above all don't be surprised by human nature.morning all
We see a wheelchair. Some see £20 for their next hit. Maybe cost £250 if its a simple one to replace. Just like the people that will smash a windscreen for some change on the dash. They need removing from the Gene Pool.

More than likely someone wanted it to use when they collected their fraudulant blue badge. :mad2::mad2::mad2:

i blame the to many do gooders and goverment. a lump of 4in by 2in comes to mind give them somthing to chew on.SCUM.
Unfortunatly the have nots are getting more desperate, they will steal anything for a few coins to feed their habits whatever they are, as the recession gets deeper more crime will surely follow, so lock everything away and don't take chances leaving things lying around, someone will steal it. I am wondering about Spain at the moment, we go there a lot and Wild Camp wherever, but I hear that 30 % of under 20s are unemployed so is their crime rate going up, I always felt that the Spanish youth had more respect for others but as we move into desperate times it makes you wonder.
Unfortunatly the have nots are getting more desperate, they will steal anything for a few coins to feed their habits whatever they are, as the recession gets deeper more crime will surely follow, so lock everything away and don't take chances leaving things lying around, someone will steal it. I am wondering about Spain at the moment, we go there a lot and Wild Camp wherever, but I hear that 30 % of under 20s are unemployed so is their crime rate going up, I always felt that the Spanish youth had more respect for others but as we move into desperate times it makes you wonder.

spot on Viniboy.

hink of it another way banks or private businees many with mords etc on thier boards have no problem in selling products to ppl i,e pension plans etc knowing ery well that its a bad deal and leaving them worse than where they started. im not for one min stating a pesron steling sumthing is right at all but in away they are the same, and you could say the former is worse as its ppl who are better off and are surposed to be respected in society

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