The Blunderbus


So named as the clutch went roughly three months after buying it - causing me some financial pain, but she's all well again now (touch wood).
Part mobile studio - part camper - part gear van it's almost in it's second year with me. Was a leased mess van originally and came fitted with night heater, microwave, cracking twin lesuire battery power system, drinks water heater, handwashing water heater, hazard light bar, 12v sockets everywhere, a table and 5 seats in the crew section. My additions - removing 2 crew seats, carpeting walls, roof and floor, 2000w inverter (for charging camera batteries on the move and other electrical goodies), extra steel shelving in the crew section and rear, safe to store sat nav, stereo head etc in when away from it, freesat system and led tv, roofrack and spare wheel holder for rear door - and my favourite bit - an ingenious roll up stretcher style bed that is the most comfortable thing next to my bed at home. Lots of other little bits but the major stuff I've covered. It was a true labour of love to get it all done how I wanted and there's still more to do - solar for instance, but for now she's what saves me a fortune on Premier Inns and Holiday Inn Expresses. IMG04498-20120512-0654.jpgWC1.jpgWC2.jpgIMG04627-20120602-0755.jpg
One thing that is VERY annoying - The Camping and Caravanning Club simply refused me membership - god forbid that it's got words written on the side!! Apparently it would 'disturb' other members if they woke up to see my hideous example of not a real campervan. So - wildcamping is my only option whether I like it or not!
very nice ....not so much the attitude of C & CC tho ....wtats spelliz rerrible

Shown here - my dish arrangement for the Freesat. Simple as to make your own. Got the foldable dish and lnb off ebay for about £20, bought an adjustable bracket actually designed to hold drums in place but position alterable easily (another fifteen quid) and a length of 1" tube. Easy as to lift and rotate and saving a few quid I'm sure on a retailed version.. My phone has a built in compass (cheap though if you dont have it on yours) so zeroing in on signal a snip.


Funny part is SO many people think it's for live uplinks to the BBC or whatever... .
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Nice bit of kit, not sure why either club would refuse you to actually become a member but I do beleive that most of thier sites won't allow comercial vehicles especially if sign written. however membership would still allow use of the vast array of CL or CS sites that might not be so stuck up about it as they are small privatley owned sites, just have to convince them you are using the van for leisure purposes only.
Original van.

Thanks for all the comments. These are the pix from the original ebay advert. They don't really reflect the time spent on all the tweaks like tinting side windows etc. Which incidentally I got really good at. My advice on that - buy a good long roll of it because it'll probably take you three attempts to get it right.

Nice bit of kit and welcome to the forum. we used to be members of C&CC, found them to be officious and expensive, their logo said ' the friendly club' dont think so, so now they are history.

:nicethread: :have fun: :drive:
..found them to be officious and expensive, their logo said ' the friendly club' dont think so....
Many thanks - and I have to agree. They came over as being up their own backsides, this not good enough, that not right etc. Felt like I was trying to move into one of those scary mid-western gated communities we see in the movies. Put me right off from the get go.

Have to add - for anyone who's handy but maybe not that handy (like me), these mess vans can be a bit of a deal. mine was 5400 inc vat - and that's a lot of van for the money. They come with a stack of upgrades and it really doesn't take that much to customise. I've heard the original fit outs for these cost well over £10k - and that's aside from the cost of the vehicle. So if you're casting your eye about looking for something cheapish to convert - search mess van on eBay.
Many thanks - and I have to agree. They came over as being up their own backsides, this not good enough, that not right etc. Felt like I was trying to move into one of those scary mid-western gated communities we see in the movies. Put me right off from the get go.

Nice van. Re the clubs... All is not lost We have many meets which you are welcome to join us at.
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