The birds

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3802
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Deleted member 3802

:heart: with the snow covering just spare a thought for the birds in the garden even if it's only a bit of bread (if you've no bread toast will do) or old cake :bow:

p.s. grease balls or wild life mix is better and you'll be surprised who comes to visit
done first thing this morning, even before my cuppa :dance:
Jackie has topped up the bird feeder this morning. There were a couple of Blue Tits in the garden.....and before you ask; no, I am not being rude
:heart: with the snow covering just spare a thought for the birds in the garden even if it's only a bit of bread (if you've no bread toast will do) or old cake :bow:

p.s. grease balls or wild life mix is better and you'll be surprised who comes to visit

All done plus warm water but I had me coffee first, somebody is a bit keen:D Broke me spade and broom handle clearing the snow though:mad1:
Have a bird table which is stocked daily with fat balls, seed and bread.. The problem is that rats are also attracted by the food which spills on to the ground..
I bait an area in a shed where the birds can't go in the hope that I lose the rats. Yesterday some of the poison has been taken.
The birds need food so i'll keep feeding them but it would be good to do so without the rats.
Kept topped up all year round Arthur.

Niger (Nyger?) seed attracts the Goldfinches (about 10 of them), peanuts for the Greenfinches and Tits. I also wrap some peanuts in a teatowel and break them up with a bottle (Newcastle Brown Ale one works well and I always have plenty of them). I spread these on the ground for birds that cannot use a feeder.
I spend a fair bit of money during the summer on wild bird grub, seed, peanuts, fatballs. I know it's much more needed in the winter, but I'm off abroad then.
Must own up to having just a twinge of guilt as I leave in November.
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Kept topped up all year round Arthur.

Niger (Nyger?) seed attracts the Goldfinches (about 10 of them), peanuts for the Greenfinches and Tits. I also wrap some peanuts in a teatowel and break them up with a bottle (Newcastle Brown Ale one works well and I always have plenty of them). I spread these on the ground for birds that cannot use a feeder.

where's that brewed then geordie :p:raofl::lol-049::pc:
Fat balls and mixed seed always out in my garden for the birds, in fact today at our local Car Boot sale I bought 4 kilos of Sunflower seeds as I thought I would see what birds they attracted in, 2 large lumps of ice on the lawn from the water bowls which I refill daily, lots of birds come calling.
Yes the birds have been looked after in our garden as usual.

We have a flock of about 30 sparrows chirping away amongst other birds.

I thought sparrows were getting rare but not round here.

But we aint seen any tits this winter.
Every morning I go out and de-ice the bird baths and check the feeders, but they still sh*t on the the windows.
Can I just make an important point here. NO BREAD!!!!!

Bread has no nutritional value for birds. It fills up their stomachs, without giving them the energy food they require in this cold weather, so they are more likely to starve because their bellies are full of useless bulk.

Fat balls are the things to be giving them at this time of year, together with proper bird seed. Probably the best all-round seed to put out is sunflower hearts.
Can I just make an important point here. NO BREAD!!!!!

Bread has no nutritional value for birds. It fills up their stomachs, without giving them the energy food they require in this cold weather, so they are more likely to starve because their bellies are full of useless bulk.

Fat balls are the things to be giving them at this time of year, together with proper bird seed. Probably the best all-round seed to put out is sunflower hearts.

As bread is mainly wheat grains I never really understood this until I asked a friend who does a lot of work for the RSPB (temp warden) and he said as long as you soak it in dry weather it will not bloat them and a few calories are better than none. Seeded whole meal is better than white I am guessing. Birds will survive on this so better to give bread than nothing. At worst the poor little things will feel a bit better to have something in their stomachs.


I find the birds round here like, Macdonalds, Pisa Hut, and fish and chips, they also drink vodka, and lager.:)
Sorry I think you mean the feathered sort:)

PS I feed them all year round, even the crows. (thats the feathered ones)


i know lots of people like our selfs feed all year round:bow: the post was aimed at people who don't for one reason or another but i can guarantee that no matter what anyone says about feeding bread and scraps of food it's better for a few days while the snow is about than nowt :mad:
I love to see all the different kinds of birds on my garden we have trees and hedges all around, I do feed and water them regularly but unfortunately there are so many neibhours with cats sh*ttng and p*ssing on our garden it definately keeps the birds away. no sparrows, no starlings, very few blackbirds, occasional robin and a few bluetits.:cry::cry:

We seem to have alot of Black birds around here at the moment,,we are also seeing alot of Thrush this year, also this cold weather is bringing out the Blue tits, i always feed these poor things from my Fat Balls stock they seem to do very well on this at this time of year!

Who did kill Cock robin?????

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