That's Egypt off the holiday list then...

thats a shame for you as egypt is a great country. nice people and a great m,home country.
I'm sure it is Alan.

But will it once the extremists take over?
Apart from the extreme heat, I'd love to go there for the archaeology.

Until recently Egypt always seemed relatively stable apart from the odd attack on tourists, but when I read 'Islam is the only way' as the manifesto of the new president I can't see it staying that way.
inshallah anna tiecalum arabia .schwear.
well we have extremists running ours hee hee.
might not be a problem .at the moment syria is the problem makes it harder to get there .
i,m lucky i supose i speak a bit and have never really had any probs in arabic countries . mind i cant read or write it . even spelling it in a type of our language is hard . but i find the arabic countries really friendly. even being found 200 miles ionto algeria we were just escorted back to the border . i really havent found any of them hassle . infact i could almost live in some . i love their adaptability fixing ,working, i love it . i just seem to blend in if i want to.
Isn't it strange?

That the area we call the Middle East has been in turmoil since Biblical times. In case anyone thinks I'm anti muslim, I'm not...I'm anti all organised religions, as more people have died in the name of religion than any other cause. Christianity is probably the one with the highest body count and has only survived so long because it's advocates have killed anyone who disagreed with them en masse over the past 2,000 years.

Having said that I'm not out to start an argument and respect anyone's right to practice their own form of religion as long as they don't ask me to and as long as they don't pose a threat to me or my family.
i can say i have travelled extensively in muslim countries .i really dont find it a problem . we are lied to by many to justify our own beliefs .but i can say havent had a problem in any of the muslim countries .more chance here than there.
I wouldn't rush to cross it off the list just yet - the army has a tight hold on the reins and the new President will find that he has very limited powers. Interesting country, Egypt - nearly every family has a member in the army and for the vast majority of them that family member is the main breadwinner. Thus the army is loved and respected by most (unlike the police, who are hated!) so the continuing rule of the army will probably be tolerated if not welcomed. The whole revolution thing was more to do with the price of bread than wanting democracy (and interestingly the areas where the Muslim Brotherhood did best is where they handed out free food!). This may not be ideal if you are a thinking Egyptian who wants change but it is probably good for tourism - on which the country depends. We have been several times and will almost certainly be going again.
who needs to goto syria when we have blackpool and scarbourgh to deal with first :rolleyes2:
how else are you gonna drive to egypt. scarborough is full of chip papers .blackpool is ok but i,m only twenty minutes from a ferry to spain or france ./ cant be bothered to drive up north anymore . but do like going to warm climates in winter.
I've spent 4 seasons in Egypt, working in the Western Desert on an archaeological project (see: NKOS Home Page).

I won't be sorry to never go there again.

The amount of hassle we had to go through to travel from Cairo down to Kharga. Police road blocks, delays while they asked us the same questions and then just kept us waiting. When we got to Kharga, each day we went out to our sites, we would have to go through the same check point and each day they would stop us, count us, ask the same questions (again), both on the way out and on the way back.

And then there was the food - don't ask me about the food!
Watching Aljazeera, lots of happy people in Cairo, wonder how the remainder of country is reacting??

I didn't notice any wimmin celebrating tho . . . :ninja:

It's unlikely there will be any radical changes - mainly because the Military will not allow Mursi that much power. But I expect a slowing of what they may consider "Westernisation". Egypt (& Israel) have never been on my "Must see" list & the stopping of tourist busses in order to machine gun the people did not reduce my reluctance.

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