Texting for over 40s..
Kids have all their own SMS codes,like BFF,WTF,LOL etc..
So here's some codes for the more mature....
ATD At the Doctors
BFF Best friends funeral
BTW Bring the wheelchair
FWIW Forgot where i was
GGPBL Gotta go pacemaker battery low
GHA Got heartburn again
HGBM Had good bowel movement
IMHO Is my hearing-aid on
WAITT Who am i talking to
GGLKI Gotta go Laxative kickin in
IPMSA I've pi**ed myself again

Kids have all their own SMS codes,like BFF,WTF,LOL etc..
So here's some codes for the more mature....
ATD At the Doctors
BFF Best friends funeral
BTW Bring the wheelchair
FWIW Forgot where i was
GGPBL Gotta go pacemaker battery low
GHA Got heartburn again
HGBM Had good bowel movement
IMHO Is my hearing-aid on
WAITT Who am i talking to
GGLKI Gotta go Laxative kickin in
IPMSA I've pi**ed myself again