What a sticky situation to be in. Looks like I will have to wait for a glue gun.
Must be different darn sarf no glue guns or sabre saws up here. Looks like I will have to wait for a glue gun.
Instead you can get a hot glue gun in poundland :hammer::hammer::hammer:
No with those you go in the bank with them to withdraw cash.Do you cockernees know what a glue gun is. Mini Water Gun 4 Pack
girls can play with them too !
nice digital meter with continuity test as well as the usual -£ 10 -perfect for a van tool kit
battery demolition/sabre saw
240v glue gun
gas fired glue gun
loads of good stuff
I see they've got a big ass chop saw for sale.
Why didn't you mention that Nige????
bit of a saw point that, Steve