Tell U A Secret

  • Thread starter Deleted member 9237
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Deleted member 9237

My step-son came home last night after a weeks duty and told me this.

That they been told that they now can find out if any English or other county's motor has tax, mot and insurance by the control center,s computers also they now are carrying copy,s of a tax disc. This is aimed at all the English and others that have come over here and stayed and not registered there motors. For me it is good because it took me two years to get my car sorted out when i was hit by an English lady.

Also last year there was a crash on the motorway near Madrid were a lorry driver hit a Dutch motorhome the motorhome was towing a smart and got fined and made to pay to repair the road. So now they have been told that any one towing a motor in Spain it must be on a trailer.

The only thing in your favor is the time it takes to do all the paper work and get a Grua to remove the car and if they are about to sign of for the day they might not see you pass them.:D :D:D
this was already true in catalonia in early 2011 , I am told that was the first region to get the system installed
I know someone who was booked for going through a red light and fined ...the guardia type man said it was good he had tax/mot/insurance or he would have had the vehicle towed away ...he had checked on computer from the car !!

I think this is the start of a europe wide system
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I think this is the start of a europe wide system

True - at least for the European Union - and don't think you can get away with a fine by coming home because each EU state now has the power to enforce any fines incurred in another. A friend of mine used to SORN his motorhome when he took it to Spain for the winter (and he's a retired policeman!). Needless to say he doesn't do this now!
Certainly we (the UK) are now fully computerised, hence the new Class4 MOT is now printed out on plain photocopy, as it's just a receipt. Any police vehicle or VOSA/DVLA vehicle equiped with Automatic Number Plate Recognition will know if a car has Tax, MOT or Insurance, or in the case of an HGV has Tax, MOT and an Operators license within about 10secs or reading the number plate!
hi. as early as 2000 i got a ticket sent home from denia for parking on the beach . i never saw a guardia at all . the denunciation had been to court and the fine sent home to uk. by the time i got home i was well past the time to pay. i never paid . the silliest thing is they had got my address from somewhere . but on the letter to me got the reg wrong . it was me i looked in my diary but as the reg was wrong still carry it in case they ever tried to get me.
so even then you could be traced by your reg number.
next time i see you ken will fish it out ,still carry it in the camper. have fun we try to.
tell the secret

The Secret is But dont tell every body .We here in Spain have not got a lot of money left so to get some more money in so we dont have to pay more taxes. They came up with this idea catch all them rich buggers that come here in the winter to keep warm when they get all that money once a year to stay and home and keep warm. So the more that tow a toad come on over and help us poor x pats out. :lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::have fun:
The Secret is But dont tell every body .We here in Spain have not got a lot of money left so to get some more money in so we dont have to pay more taxes. They came up with this idea catch all them rich buggers that come here in the winter to keep warm when they get all that money once a year to stay and home and keep warm. So the more that tow a toad come on over and help us poor x pats out. :lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::have fun:

I think no one should be able to draw winter fuel allowance, and cold weather payments is they are not in this country.
If these paymwnt were stopped it would save the tax payer a lot of money.
I know one of opur local councillors who goes to Spain for the winter and because he get DLA Higher rate he also gets £200 winter fuel allowance and the weekly pay out every time the temp drops below a certain level. He is in Spain for 4 months every year. He also draws his council allowances while he is away as he says he does his council work by internet on his council provided laptop.:mad2:
Whan I was on the council I proposed that during these hard times of cut backs, we councillors should forgo all expences except minimum travel for three years.:D
Needless to say there was a campagne to get me out and I got a load of abuse, even a couple of poison pen letters. But they were like water off aducks back to me.:lol-049:
I know one of opur local councillors who goes to Spain for the winter and because he get DLA Higher rate he also gets £200 winter fuel allowance and the weekly pay out every time the temp drops below a certain level. He is in Spain for 4 months every year. He also draws his council allowances while he is away as he says he does his council work by internet on his council provided laptop.:mad2:

What!!!!!!!!:scared: It is people like that who are responsible for giving the rest a bad name. Absolutely appalling - but the amazing thing is that he presumably kept getting elected. There is some truth in the statement that people get the representatives they deserve!
Mmmm. House still has to be heated while they are on holiday, so presumably they are paying the same as anyone else...
just elsewhere for a period trying to make their remaining money go further.....don't see anything wrong there....different matter
if they rented the house out however....

However the change if any I would like to see made here would be for a credit voucher for the fuel to be issued against the claimant's
address.. most low income pay gas and electric by card the money would actually go on electric or gas and not on someone's
cigarette, drink or drug habit which can happen with some parents particularily unemployed males with dependants in the house.
The critical point here is that the councillor concerned was drawing his allowances while not being in a position to do his job properly. There's nothing wrong with spending the winter months in the warm - we do it all the time, but we retired first and then did it. To draw money for doing a job which I know from personal experience you cannot do at a distance of 1500 miles (with or without a laptop!) is quite frankly despicable. I do, however, agree with you on the subject of winter fuel allowance - it is not charity, it is part of the pension which we have all contributed towards and it is up to individuals to decide how and where to spend it.
I would doubt that this councillor is being honest at all. If he is not living in this country he should not be drawing Cold weather payment etc., also if he is out of the country his allowances should be cut accordingly as he is not using a vehicle for the council work, he is also not able to claim subsistence allowannces. for instance. I reckon that if he will fiddle one thing he will fiddle others.
I don't know whether you have experience of being a councillor but I do and I cannot disagree with you more. To be effective you have to be on the spot, doing a multitude of things from checking whether developers are sticking to the rules of planning permission, to visiting constituents who have a vast array of individual problems and putting the officers on the spot for producing reports that are just not good enough. If you decide to do this from a distance on a computer you are nothing more than an officer's dream and you are doing your constituents no favours at all while at the same time drawing a substantial allowance from the money they pay in council tax. You may be able to run your business from a distance but I assure you, no-one can be an effective councillor from a distance.
Yes, a councillor is concerned with policy but it is also the job of the elected councillors to make sure that the paid officers are carrying out those policies. "Yes Minister" was surprisingly accurate about how officers will try every trick in the book to pretend they are carrying out policy when they are really pushing their own agenda. Nothing would please the "Sir Humphreys" more than elected members taking a large slice of the year off! As for replacing them - yes, but you first have to determine who is not doing what - and it has nothing to do with literacy skills. If you have been involved in video conferencing, as you mention in your post, then you will know that a skilled operative can easily conceal things that are much harder to conceal face to face. Nothing will ever convince me that a councillor can do his job properly if he/she spends four or five months a year on holiday - with or without a laptop.
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councilors paid ?

Don't Councilors get paid Now ? I thought they get paid as well as drawing expensive s

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