Tan Hill Inn


Full Member
I'm sure you all will have seen the coverage of the three day lock in at Tan Hill. Brilliant publicity for the pub. I was last there in August and it was rather different: glorious sunset and great views north towards County Durham. I noticed there were several campervans and a moho up there: quite envious but did wonder if any were members.
Used to park up in the quarrie approx 200 yards from the inn but unfortunately a barrier was put up to stop access.
I have overnighted at the inn but earlier this year they put the price up to something like £20.00 a person which included a Cooked breakfast, so a couple were charged £40.00 per night for a parking place and breakfast ! Without checking their website I believe they have come to their senses and reduced the price to park up for the night to a more reasonable price.
I now just call in for a meal and drink and park up for the night elsewhere.
Yes I was quite envious until I realised that an Oasis tribute band was stuck there too. Imagine 3 nights of that!

I noticed the MH driving away on the news too.
Oasis were a brilliant band so I would have thought it would have been a fun night getting snowed in up there. They have had some pretty big names up there in the past including an impromptu gig by the Arctic Monkeys in 2008.

Not been in for years though. It used to be a regular haunt when we were kids on either our motorbikes or in cars.
Years ago, we hiked up Langstrothdale and arrived outside the Tan Hill at 11.30 on a February Sunday morning.
Cold, damp and no signs of life.
We waited and waited.
A solitary walker appeared. We watched him negotiate his way ,from the west.
He got there about 12.15..

" What time does this pub open, mate ?"...
". Easter..! ".
Oasis were a brilliant band so I would have thought it would have been a fun night getting snowed in up there. They have had some pretty big names up there in the past including an impromptu gig by the Arctic Monkeys in 2008.

Not been in for years though. It used to be a regular haunt when we were kids on either our motorbikes or in cars.

I'm sure Oasis were quite good in their day but this wasn't Oasis. this was Noasis (see what they did there?)

Equally Im sure they were passable too...but maybe not for 3 nights though eh?!
Having seen 'Noasis' (along with several other tribute bands) at my local gig spot (the Witch wood)
They were pretty good...
Obviously if you don't like Oasis in the first place, you're going to struggle....

Bit like a good friend of mine that went to see Oasis at the Etihad and complained that he couldn't hear them as everyone was singing along....
Wouldn't have expected that.....

Ohh and that folks were throwing pint pots of lager around....

That WASN'T lager my friend ;-)
Not been in for years though. It used to be a regular haunt when we were kids on either our motorbikes or in cars.
Like wise, it would have been the 80 for us on motorbikes and probably the one of the first places I wildcamped (without realising there was a name for it) in my Tin Tent (An Escort Van). We used to do a bit of amateur pot holing and if I remember correctly they had cart wheels separating the booths and you had to worm in and out of the spokes without putting a foot down.
I'm sure Oasis were quite good in their day but this wasn't Oasis. this was Noasis (see what they did there?)

Equally Im sure they were passable too...but maybe not for 3 nights though eh?!

I get the impression your not much of a music fan Graham.

Yes I know it was the tribute band Noasis. They are internationally famous though and very popular. Plenty of videos of there performances on youtube. I would have loved being stuck up there with them.

Couldn't be further from the truth Barry. I just like good music. I listed some of my favourite stuff on a different thread in a different place if you recall. Although I must confess my best ever score on Pop Master is a paltry 27.

I have been to oodles of concerts (not for some time now) and my music collection is extensive and eclectic. I just didn't 'do' the whole Britpop thing...just a bunch of dodgy looking Mancs giving it large imho!
Years ago, we hiked up Langstrothdale and arrived outside the Tan Hill at 11.30 on a February Sunday morning.
Cold, damp and no signs of life.
We waited and waited.
A solitary walker appeared. We watched him negotiate his way ,from the west.
He got there about 12.15..

" What time does this pub open, mate ?"...
". Easter..! ".
Talk about egg in you face. 😂

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