talk me through the basics!!


Free Member
when 'wilding'...How do you ...
1. fill up with water
2. empty waste water
3. dispose of toilet waste
4. park the fecking thing to get to local shops for supplies??

thanks.. once i get to grips with the basics... lol
Do a search. There is a thread entitled 'wildecamping, how to'. Everything you need to know should be on there.
1. Connect hose to any available tap then turn it on.
2.If you have neighbours stick your waste hose into a container outside ....otherwise let it run (that'll wind a few up).
3.Dispose responsibly .....take a spade into the woods........campsites are next best.
4. Park in Aldi/Lidl/Tesco/Asda etc carparks.....or walk/get a bike

Well you did ask:rolleyes:

The biggest tip of all: Use your noddle!
Parking ... get a van which is 6m long or less. Otherwise you will have to use 2 bays in a supermarket and will probably only be able to park when it is not busy.
when 'wilding'...How do you ...
1. fill up with water
2. empty waste water
3. dispose of toilet waste
4. park the fecking thing to get to local shops for supplies??

thanks.. once i get to grips with the basics... lol
1. Keep your tank full all the time, it won't make much difference full or empty on your fuel usage, get water from Public Toilets, Garages, Cemeteries, Parks etc.Or call in at a Campsite and buy some.It is a good idea to have a plastic watering can 10 ltrs or similar for ease of collection of water.
2 Empty your waste water frequently then it wont be a huge problem, ie don't let the waste water tank get too full, tip small amounts of water into hedges around trees etc Not down Storm Drains.Use a bucket to draw waste water off.
3. Public toilets,or call in at a Campsite and pay a few pounds to empty , get some water at the same time.
4 My van is nearly 8 metres long and I have no trouble parking at Supermarkets or in side streets, it is something you will have to get used to, pick your days and times when it is not so busy,or get a bike and cycle to shops,

The biggest tip of all: Use your noddle!

that's for best quality water.... passed by 'the management' :tongue::wacko::wacko::lol-049: sorry they made me do it..........

think I'll go and hide now.......:angel:
My van is 6.35m, not huge by any means but parking is not hard with a rear view camera (around 50 squid off e-bay & an easy diy job). In supermarkets, you have a large rear overhang, use it - reverse into spaces where your stern can hang over a bit of grass or unused pavement, then you will fit in a normal parking bay. If you pick the middle bay of 3 empties you'll find no-one will park next to you. Even with a car either side my cab doors are high & far forward so will often open over the top of the bonnet of a small car.

Use as little water as possible & you will need to top up less often. Ask at garages when you get fuel. Also check out public loos when emptying your toilet cassette.

Relax & be flexible, there are always "ways & means" of doing anything if you are creative & ask nicely.

We haven't found gry water to be a roblem as much of the water we use gets drunk as tea/ coffee so goes in the loo! We can last a week before the tank needs emptying & we tend to use a campsite for one night for that. Think about what you let run, some isn't a problem, but a load of greasy dishes water with food bits in it isn't nice to leave in any public place as it attracts vermin & flies & will smell in due course.
My van is 6.35m, not huge by any means but parking is not hard with a rear view camera (around 50 squid off e-bay & an easy diy job). In supermarkets, you have a large rear overhang, use it - reverse into spaces where your stern can hang over a bit of grass or unused pavement, then you will fit in a normal parking bay. If you pick the middle bay of 3 empties you'll find no-one will park next to you. Even with a car either side my cab doors are high & far forward so will often open over the top of the bonnet of a small car.

Use as little water as possible & you will need to top up less often. Ask at garages when you get fuel. Also check out public loos when emptying your toilet cassette.

Relax & be flexible, there are always "ways & means" of doing anything if you are creative & ask nicely.

We haven't found gry water to be a roblem as much of the water we use gets drunk as tea/ coffee so goes in the loo! We can last a week before the tank needs emptying & we tend to use a campsite for one night for that. Think about what you let run, some isn't a problem, but a load of greasy dishes water with food bits in it isn't nice to leave in any public place as it attracts vermin & flies & will smell in due course.

I copied this from a previous thread on here .

Grey Water.
Local television here in the South had local Authorities asking House holders to pour their Grey Water,[ from baths ,washing machines and sinks etc. ] over and around the trees and shrubs in their streets as the Councils can't afford to water these trees and shrubs and don't have enough water to do it anyway. So it seems that those of us [ Motorhomers ] who have always thrown their waste water into the hedges have been right all along .:lol-053::lol-053::lol-053:
I copied this from a previous thread on here .

Grey Water.
Local television here in the South had local Authorities asking House holders to pour their Grey Water,[ from baths ,washing machines and sinks etc. ] over and around the trees and shrubs in their streets as the Councils can't afford to water these trees and shrubs and don't have enough water to do it anyway. So it seems that those of us [ Motorhomers ] who have always thrown their waste water into the hedges have been right all along .:lol-053::lol-053::lol-053:

.....and we have stayed on campsites that pride themselves on being "green" who insist that we let our grey waste flow onto the grass (one even said that their chickens eat any food waste!). :D

As for toilet waste, then public loos are always a good option, as is asking garages if you can empty the cassette in their toilets (providing you fill up with fuel at the same time). We have also filled up with fresh water at garages on the same basis. But calling into a campsite once a week should enable you to take care of most of your problems.

Our van is 7 metres long and we rarely have any trouble parking it for shopping - we tend to use Lidl and Aldi a lot (in common with most of the rest of the motorhoming community across Europe) and their car parks are usually easy to park in - especially if you don't shop in the rush hours!

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