Taking your dog to France?


Seen on another forum, but I'm sure the author will not mind me repeating it here;

Taking your dog(s) with you to mainland europe?

Canine Babesiosis is particularly prevalent in France especially south of the Loire Valley. Proper treatment for ticks is vital for stopping infection from developing. It is worth checking your dog’s coat every day you are away and on your return - if you can remove ticks in the first day infection can be prevented.
British dogs are particularly susceptible to this and other diseases found in mainland Europe since having never encountered them, they have no resistance.
Babesiosis is a serious tick-borne disease which destroys blood cells and only affects dogs. Signs include fever, anaemia, blood in the urine and jaundice and susceptible dogs can die within a day or two of the appearance of signs. It was Babesiosis that was reported as the cause of the tragic death of the Westie that has been widely reported in the press as the first victim of a disease contracted while abroad under the Pet Travel Scheme.


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