taking a dog to france


hi does anybody know the ins and outs of taking a dog with you in the camper to france, we know all about this side of the water but about the vets the other side eg= cost and what to do please help thanks
This vet is brilliant speaks perfect english cost us about 35 euro's last year, lovelly village and great aire close by.


Cabinet Vétérinaire Saint Nicolas
Category: Pets Veterinarians Veterinarians [Edit]

1 rue Neufchâtel
76440 Forges les Eaux

02 35 90 55 55
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Dogs need flea and tick treatment between 24 and 48 hours of you leaving France, best to plan your return journey so that you are near a vet with an aire/campsite nearby a day before departure, after treatment you are waiting for a minimum of 24 hours and maximum of 48 hours before you return to the UK. We used a vet in Hornfleur, nice English speaking lady, around 40 euro a Dog, chill out around the town and harbour then 3 hours the next day to Calais to return home.
I did hear somewhere that all of this was being done away with, how true I do not know
Many Thanks for info

Dogs need flea and tick treatment between 24 and 48 hours of you leaving France, best to plan your return journey so that you are near a vet with an aire/campsite nearby a day before departure, after treatment you are waiting for a minimum of 24 hours and maximum of 48 hours before you return to the UK. We used a vet in Hornfleur, nice English speaking lady, around 40 euro a Dog, chill out around the town and harbour then 3 hours the next day to Calais to return home.
I did hear somewhere that all of this was being done away with, how true I do not know

::)never took a dog abroad before so all new to us .
We take our 2 working cockers over every year, its no hassle you just need to plan the last few days of your holiday. Decide on somewhere you want to visit that has a vet within a decent driving distance of Calais the day after treatment
We take our 2 working cockers over every year, its no hassle you just need to plan the last few days of your holiday. Decide on somewhere you want to visit that has a vet within a decent driving distance of Calais the day after treatment
Thanks for reply :D
Regulations changed on 1st January this year.

For new passports - there have been some significant changes to rabies injections, blood tests and the length of time before return to UK - check DEFRA as link above.

For those with current passports - just need to visit a vet for worm treatment between 1 and 5 days before return to UK. No requirements for tick treatment anymore.

This allows more flexibility in finding a vet before returning home:dance:

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