T5 Passenger Seat


I'm looking for a front passenger seat for a T5 if anyone can help. Colour and condition not really important :)
Hey Mark.....are you already on your self build? VW then....cool!
ahh.......was thinking you had taken the leap back in already!
do you realy expext a big bugger like him to get into a peetub....:eek::eek::eek:


regards :p

Your not wrong, too old n fat now, just had a hunt around and found this, this is the last VW I owned with me somewhat younger, the photo is poor as its a photo of a slide, brings back memorys tho :D

Your not wrong, too old n fat now, just had a hunt around and found this, this is the last VW I owned with me somewhat younger, the photo is poor as its a photo of a slide, brings back memorys tho :D


where did you find that? :O

Nic x
Ok, is there an alternative to using T5 seats in a T5, has anyone succesfully used any other seats?

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