Swift/Bessacarr spongy floor issue


Full Member
I own a McLouis Lagan at present but an thinking of upgrading to either Swift Sundance 590 or Bessacarr as I would like a lounge configuration as only have dinnette at the moment an would like a little more comfort. Can any one tell me is the spongy floor a common problem and is that something that can occur years later down the line. I probably will be looking for a van with 05 plate or there abouts
I read on the Motorhome forum that it cost done one £3000 to repair the floor and that would put it out of my price range to pay after paying to upgrade
I had this on my first caravan and fixed it in a couple of hours and a cost of £25. You lift all carpets
then drill half inch holes every six inches in a matrix around the affected area.
You buy a two part epoxy resin from a caravan shop, mix it and using a syringe (from ebay) put as much as you
can into the holes.
Use bricks or other heavy items to press down on the floor and leave it for a couple of hours to cure.
No more spongy-ness.
Give it a go, it is a very simple and straight forward procedure.

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