
dont suppose anybody on this site has a sunlight(any model)
We have a a69 from lazydays and I think theres others exactly the same just rebadged??
SUNLIGHT is a very well known brand of industrial type soap in Southern Africa. It smells awful, but very useful for removing persistant stains from clothing with lots of elbow grease.
SUNLIGHT is a very well known brand of industrial type soap in Southern Africa. It smells awful, but very useful for removing persistant stains from clothing with lots of elbow grease.

LOL:D, Pleased to see you,ve still got a sense of humour Undersiege after your little rant about european exploits;), just hope you never require the services of Andytheplumber:eek::p
LOL:D, Pleased to see you,ve still got a sense of humour Undersiege after your little rant about european exploits;), just hope you never require the services of Andytheplumber:eek::p

Lenny, Lenny! I am stricken! Rant, me, moi??? Just because the Austrians have to resort to underhand extraordinary measures to make money from Tourists?? (if you don't believe me, this year Linz is city of culture and what do they have to sell I ask? Herr Hitler no less.) Need I say much more? I did not call the Croations' *******os, the Slovenians did! I merely happen to now think they have been a little euphamistic. :eek:

I am reeling at this barrage of accusations!! I knew I should have not posted on the weekend.
Lenny, Lenny! I am stricken! Rant, me, moi??? Just because the Austrians have to resort to underhand extraordinary measures to make money from Tourists?? (if you don't believe me, this year Linz is city of culture and what do they have to sell I ask? Herr Hitler no less.) Need I say much more? I did not call the Croations' *******os, the Slovenians did! I merely happen to now think they have been a little euphamistic. :eek:

I am reeling at this barrage of accusations!! I knew I should have not posted on the weekend.

Nein nein Undersiege:eek:, you misunderstand ;), I,m on your side, I,m just volunteering to enlist in your plan to bring down the Austrian Tourism Board:p I,m in the process of painting my van in camouflage green at this very moment:cool:
Nein nein Undersiege:eek:, you misunderstand ;), I,m on your side, I,m just volunteering to enlist in your plan to bring down the Austrian Tourism Board:p I,m in the process of painting my van in camouflage green at this very moment:cool:

Vat a relief, Ja? I vas tinking you had vays and means of making my life further miserable. This could b:eek:e dangerous so ve will switch to de morse code ja??

P.S. Austrian camo colours are Hitler Moustache browny grey (NOT Winston hangover complexion, green)
Vat a relief, Ja? I vas tinking you had vays and means of making my life further miserable. This could b:eek:e dangerous so ve will switch to de morse code ja??

P.S. Austrian camo colours are Hitler Moustache browny grey (NOT Winston hangover complexion, green)

Morse code ist good cos we hijacked Andy,s thread and he vill not be amused and may I suggest we recruit Leo (Belgian) as, and I will say this only vonce Head of Resistance:eek::eek::D

Sorry Andy:eek: It must be the weekend wine:rolleyes:
I have heard that "Sunlight becomes you"......... So I would say you are onto a winner.........And Dethleff the Ba***ds grind you down;)

OK Lenny, you join me and Belgian. Ja? (for in depth anlysis, naturally, of disturbing European trends and current state of SA wine industry?):confused:
I have heard that "Sunlight becomes you"......... So I would say you are onto a winner.........And Dethleff the Ba***ds grind you down;)

Not to mention the fact that Andy bought it off Lazydays:eek::eek:

Sorry Andy
OK Lenny

This in-house joke ja? Who is Lazydays? We include in downfall plot?:confused:
Not Lazydays ............. the Trotters of the M/H world.... I placed an order in Nov 05 with them for a van.......... that never materialised:mad: I was strung along with a pile of lies :mad: So in the end I dealt with the Dethleffs man in Britain and he informed me an order was never even placed:eek: I was waiting 6 months for a M/H that had not even been ordered...... Bunch of W*****S. Fortunately I lost no money on the (deal) though they did ask if they could have my (old) van before the new one came ............... er..... no... chance.

So I heartily endorse Cipros signature.
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