Stuck in the mud


Full Member
Hello everyone it’s been a while, has anyone got any tips on how to get out of the mud with a motorhome, I thank you all for past helpfulness which solved my problems, I would be grateful if you could help again. PHIL
If you have a compressor pump with you, you could half deflate the tyres to gain some traction.

I carry a hand winch, providing there is something nearby to attach it to, it can get me out of trouble. Before now, I have got my work van out of the mud just by winching it about a foot or so out of a rut.
We carry grip tracks and snow chains. Which are ok unless mud deep.
Are you stuck now? Find a helpful farmer 4x4 driver to pull you out?
When we were stuck in Portugal last year miles from anywhere, we ended up calling on ADAC.
I have 4 Sturdy Planks

Just wider than a tyre about 60cm long
On the underside I have fixed a dismembered plastic folding crate.
This so the wood grips on the grounds surface
Ok a bit heavy and you have to be able to drive onto them which may be a problem
But unlike plastic mats the wood spreads the weight more.
I use even if just on wet grass and once I get going I keep going slowly but not too slowly until I get to a solid surface.

As others have said a friendly farmer with a tractor..
But I am pleasantly surprised at how good 4WD vehicles are.

Try to park so you can be towed forward so you can make use of the towing eye.

If you are stuck and suitable wood is available you could try jacking up the driving wheels (wood under the jack) and more wood under the whhels
However there is a danger the tyres will grip on the wood but the wood will not grip on the low flying planks of wood...VERY NASTY
As said deflate the tyres by around 50%, but you then need to inflate them again once out. Or snow chains, both if really needed but put the chains on first.
if you can't find a farmer with a tractor ask in a local bar , don't be shy , people are usually happy to help and enjoy a break in their routine, and they'll enjoy taking the pee as well !
Another one for deflating tyres. If handbrake works on drive wheels quickly apply and releasing handbrake slightly works well, just enough to momentarily slow a spinning wheel, old school traction control.
If up to axles in mud, find a tractor or 4x4. :)
Thank you all for your very helpful tips, you have given me ideas I hadn’t thought about, I am back on hard ground now thanks to the AA:)
I got stuck once.. a few years back, and promised myself it would not happen again.
I now have a portable electric cable winch with strops, D shackles and ropes.
Not needed it yet, I can plug it in to a high power outlet (fitted) or direct to any of the three batteries.
The winch has an eye that can connect directly to the tow eye with a D shackle or towbar.
Yeah... there is a bit of weight there but the vehicle has a max of 4.5t (tag axle) so can easily take the weight.
I also have bread crate bases which I park on if the ground is soft, as sometimes you just need to start moving to maintain it on wet grass.
I have a set of specialist plastic tie wraps bought for the snow, but can also be used on soft ground.
Snow Mud Tyre Safety Anti Skid Chain Car Truck Wheel Tire Nylon Ribbon Tie Cable | eBay
I have a bread tray,just used the bottom cut in half lengthwise.
These can be useful in an emergency..... [video=youtube_share;MYF7GndJIxE][/video]
These can be useful in an emergency..... [video=youtube_share;MYF7GndJIxE][/video]

They look great.
Shame they're not the zip tie type that have a little tab to push to undo them, then keep reusing on same size wheels.
I see they work on Alloys, but are they suitable for steel wheels as most mohos have?
I see they work on Alloys, but are they suitable for steel wheels as most mohos have?

They may not be suitable for some alloys as there can be very little clearance from the inside of the wheel to the brake caliper.

Steel wheels do have holes, so they may be suitable, again it depends on the caliper clearance.
another useful tool is patience- i jammed myself driving across a gully and ended up with the back wheels almost off the ground and the towbar stuck in the gully wall. this was miles from anywhere. luckily we had the camper with us !
after a few hours , i was contemplating an overnight when some hunters drove past. another 4x4 with no towrope , but of course i always carry one so soon sorted

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