On the same subject. A few years ago I was working on the Taxis, parked up on one of the main roads out of town I saw a group of 6 lads and 2 lasses tip over every bin on the road making a right mess, didnt say anything, as big as I am Im not going to take 2 lasses on (they scare me when fighting).
Anyway I was having 30mins break when 4 lads came staggering out of town well pissed but they were picking up all the rubbish and putting it back in the bins, then putting the bins back against the walls (as best they could).
Suddenly the riot van turned up and jumped on the lads!! time to be counted, I pulled up and told the police what had happened and if they wanted the bad guys then drive a mile down the road and they would find them. They told me to fxxk off and mind my own business.
I fxxked off, you dont argue with south yorkshire police. What you do is go next morning to see the local big wig who lives on that road and most likely had to put his own rubbish back in his bin and tell him the story.
It appears that 4 lads were held in the cells overnight, charged with being drunk and disorderly, then the charges were dropped in the morning and they were given a lift home.
I felt very smug about that and justified I think.