St. Andrews motorhomes go bust


Full Member
Just read about St. Andrews motorhomes going bust and scamming people they work like a brokerage you leave them you’re van they sell and take a percentage only they’ve been selling peoples vans off on the cheap and keeping a 100% dozens of people ripped off shame loads of people left with nothing bastewards.
I’ve never trusted these brokerage dealers there’s one realy big one based in uk and heard a few dodgy stories about them setting up sales to people they know selling vans too cheap and charging a fortune in commissions from sellers and buyers. I’d swing for them how long did that poor couple work to pay for that van disgusting
Might be very interesting to find out WHO was the buyer of these vans, a company in the South?????????????? probably a straight pass over to his mates or even themselves with no money involved at all. The vehicle still belongs to the owner UNLESS they stupidly signed them over to the agent.
Compared to legit dealers stocking vans ,parts, accessoiries and servicing options ....we gave brokerages a name in the motor trade LEECHES

Amazing how cheap you can sell when you have no overheads, from a customers standpoint sounds great, however in the longterm these outlets self defeat and suffocate the legitimate people

Selling on commission is nothing new but it always seems to attract wrong uns

Other customers have been to the police but have been told it is a civil matter. We are all in limbo and are absolutely sick to the stomach over this.”

If this isn't fraud by this now wound up company, then the law is an ass!!

I agree Terry, "behaviour with intent to defraud" should at least be investigated. I suspect a limited company which has implications but that still doesn't exonerate directors,,, The problem is of course if crime numbers were issued or incident numbers we have a situation that the local polices strike rate looks bad. I don't blame the police per se they have been hijacked by the box ticking brigade and given less resources ...less Police now than in 1985 and an increase in population of 7 million even with my poor grasp of maths you can see the problem

We have ways of dealing with these matters here ,chap i know got his 12 g back from dodgy car dealer trying to pull a fasty,when he was reminded that walking would be problematical for him cash in full was returned,problem solved.:hammer:
St Andrews Motorhomes

They should have asked for Bank letter of guarantee from the company.Any reputable company would obtain this refusal shows warning flags.

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