squeaking heki while driving

maybe a silly question , but is it the right way round ?
anyway try spraying different parts of it with PTFE spray - you might eliminate enough to pin down the problem
I think you are all thinking it is the plastic squeaking but we think it is a metallic sound. I should have said that first off, shouldn't I. We recon it is the springs though we might be wrong. I am replacing the fabrics so have the thing apart at the moment. Those springs appear to be greased with lithium grease. The little plastic cantering disc is rather worn and I was going to make a new one but the old one will not come off so I can't do that and I planned replace that grease with silicone grease. Any further thoughts?
It it squeaks then that would denote movement.

Check that the winder is correctly positioned as it may come up against a stop before fully closing.
Alternatively check the plastic hinges and pins at the hinge point.
Thanks, I must confess that I have not looked at those hinges but there is no winder on mine so it can't be that, but those hinges, who knows. I will report back
I have the wind up heki and a small plastic pin fell out of the hinge causing a rattle and wouldn’t go up so I put a small pin in and it’s still there after a year.
I have tried to make those hinges squeak without success so I don't think it is them. the only things I can make noisy are the springs so I shall fill the tubes with silicone grease in hopes.
Firstly, all the suggestions have been looked into and have been rejected as inappropriate or just not the problem. I completed the overhaul of the blind system filling the tubes with silicone grease to no effect whatsoever. Went on a test drive and actually listened to the noise rather then trying to ignore it. It could be more accurately be described as a chirrup like a cricket or a grass hopper, neither of which have been found in the works, I hasten to add. My wife is convinced it is the handle but I am not so sure, Certainly when it is hanging down it can be made to make a similar noise but not when in the clips. I have not yet been up to grease the hinges and will do that later today, having said that I am not so sure about them as they are outside and we think the noise is inside but I will grease them anyway.
Maingate, you are right, thankyou! As I said I was unable to make those hinges squeak but just in case, I got up there with my can of spray silicone grease and whoopee no squeaks. Admittedly just a short test run but total silence. I shall naturally reserve judgement for a longer trip but I have high hopes.. Thanks again!